Example sentences of "[noun prp] be about [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sunday trading laws allow fancy goods to be sold in souvenir shops , but the complaint against the Trust at Blickling is about the sale of clothing and plant holders .
2 The opening of The Lady of the Lake ( 1810 ) by Sir Walter Scott is about a hunt ( ‘ The Stag at eve had drunk his fill … ‘ ) and Marmion ( 1809 ) culminates in a great description of the Battle of Flodden ( 1513 ) .
3 ‘ The Rheingrill at the Hilton 's about the best in town . ’
4 Sex with Maisie was about the most interesting thing Robert had ever done .
5 The Descent of Darwin is about the present controversies , real , exaggerated , or downright lunatic fringe , it matters not what , over neo-Darwinism .
6 I 've never met Scorelord so I ca n't say , but I 'm 6′4″ , and Miss Whipple 's about a foot shorter than she was this morning .
7 ‘ The Food of the Gods ’ by H.G. Wells is about the invention of a food which causes living things to grow to six or seven times their ordinary size .
8 How much harm has that tyrannical maxim of Brillat Savarin 's about a meal without cheese done to all our waistlines and our digestions ?
9 You and Matthew are about the same age .
10 Donald was about the nearest he was likely to find to a Murderer 's Doctor .
11 I suppose he and Sam were about the same age , 15 or 16 .
12 To make the buoyancy up to competition standards the foam is longer than used in similar models though overall the Aqua-Pak is about the same length .
13 ‘ Frankenstein ’ by Mary Shelley is about the life of Victor Frankenstein .
14 ‘ And you know how particular Daniel is about the bathroom .
15 The original Disneyland was about a fantasy castle , a few rides and a cast of cute , costumed characters that children adored .
16 His quarrel with the TUC was about the narrow vision that Millar thought they applied to education , confining themselves to practical day-to-day union matters and ignoring socialist principles .
17 Not to my way , gentlemen Those creeks on Winter Marsh are about the best oyster grounds in Europe !
18 Her latest film Romuald et Juliette is about the extraordinary goings-on in a yoghurt manufacturing company which brings together the white boss and the Black night-cleaner who saves his bacon .
19 It took only a couple of sessions of counselling ( and production of documentary evidence ! ) to persuade Clive that a decline in frequency of intercourse following early days of marriage is normal , that the frequency of intercourse between him and Maureen was about the " national average " and that he had been misled about both this and his own physical normality .
20 I think Caroline 's about the youngest .
21 Aye , she gave me Amy 's about the day before , I thought I look at it now , so , I only just got it in time .
22 I told Sotheby 's about the Saraceni
23 Blithely oblivious to the fact that France is about the only member country with any money that is not running an enormous budget deficit , the European Commission yesterday outlined a grandiose plan to spend $15,000m on a network to link bureaucracies in the 12 European Community countries to help their authorities to exchange information in areas from social security to natural disasters in the single market .
24 One girl , I swear , thought for some reason that Pericles was about a car-manufacturer .
25 " The current joke in Teheran is about the fox who was hurrying out of town .
26 Thursday 's about the worst day is n't it ?
27 Quoits is about the biggest one
28 You know , Lewes is about the right sort of size for that , people do n't get too much on top of each other , but at least they can find their way around .
29 You know , Lewes is about the right sort of size for that , people do n't get too much on top of each other , but at least they can find their way around .
30 Yes well I 've often said Northampton 's about the right distance .
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