Example sentences of "[noun prp] be her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now in here Jean was her washing bowl full of washing soap in and her bits and pieces like tights and that .
2 Donna was her sister .
3 The wind on Crow Hill was her darling .
4 When Sam flopped as she hosted the 1989 Brit pop awards Pat was her shoulder to cry on .
5 But he speaks the , the wo A Ann was her name , she said that he speaks too softly to go on to that .
6 This jowl-shaking , glowering personification of Britishness was her press secretary , Bernard Ingham — now Sir Bernard .
7 In that , Travis was her ally .
8 Naylor thought Travis was her lover , and she could n't tell Naylor that he was n't — not without bringing in Rosemary across the corridor .
9 She shook off the treacherous thought ; Dana was her twin and she loved her with all her faults — goodness knew , she had enough of her own .
10 Not only had David Anthony been her grandfather 's name , but the name he had given his adopted son .
11 ‘ And this Sharpe is her husband ? ’
12 My Aunt lives there , Jane Harvard is her name . ’
13 Gail is her apprentice as it were .
14 Or Alan was her father , and Celia not her mother .
15 Mrs Finklestein was the midwife and Mrs Robovitch was her helper .
16 Not only had Margrida assumed that Simon was her boyfriend , but Celeste had clearly thought the same yesterday — and just now a hearty , middle-aged Dalgety executive had stopped her to say how fortunate their new driver was to have such a pretty and successful young lady as his amor .
17 Brenda was her flatmate .
18 Fredegar elaborated on the story , providing interesting detail about Geneva being her place of exile .
19 Ann Marie Ritchie is also related to the family-Willy Hassan is her uncle !
20 Born into a wealthy family — Charles Dickens was her great-grandfather — she had no intention of being ‘ married off ’ .
21 Margaret Wilkinson was her name .
22 Arrested with Mrs Dyer was her son-in-law , a Mr Arthur Palmer , who happened to be living with her at the time .
23 Martin was a warm , attractive man , but Stephen was her husband , the man to whom she intended to stay married .
24 It was strange that she was in no way jealous of Jessie being her father 's choice for betterment , because Jessie herself had n't wanted to go to the Secretarial School , nor had her mother wanted her to go .
25 The one thing that drew me to Elsie was her disability .
26 Sanborn was her idol and she tried to get to as many of his live gigs as possible when he was playing in New York .
27 Victoria knew her Uncle Donald was something to do with the Queen 's castle , and that Aunt Rose was her father 's sister .
28 Constance Richards was her passenger in the jeep on Saturday , as they made their way to the little church of Santa Barbara .
29 Audra was her name , and she was nice-looking all right : thin , but still very womanly looking , if you understand me .
30 Her job with the House of Mattli was her life .
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