Example sentences of "[noun prp] be not of " in BNC.

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1 Situated on a plain beneath Rilly-la-Montagne the vineyards of Montbré are not of true premier cru quality .
2 But the conversation between Kelly Connor and Nick Morley was not of matters of the heart , but of life , death and horses .
3 But in fact the fortunes of Evallonia are not of prime importance in the novels , either as romantic or actual politics .
4 ‘ What happened in Sintra was n't of any importance to you , so why should the outcome be ?
5 The echo of that street-market record stall still lingers in Street 's insatiable appetite for new music , for , unlike many in-demand producers , Stephen is not of the opinion that music stopped evolving in 1975 !
6 Oh well we had no feelings about it because I really was n't an Old Harlow person , nor was my husband and all that we could think about it was that it would be very good for the area , it would erm , bring work and employment and everything like that , but of course Old Harlow people were very , you know , a lot of them were very against it and yet , in the end , the Harlow High Street shops was , made a fortune in those first few years , you know , when there was nothing else and the , the Old Harlow High Street was n't of course paved over in those days , anything like that and it , it was a narrow , narrow high street , it was almost like taking your life in your hands walking down there because there were crowds of people obviously with all this influx of community and they er the main Chelmsford road used to come up through there , so it was a , a hell , sort of a traffic hazard really .
7 ‘ By this you know the Spirit of God : every spirit that confesses that Jesus has come in the flesh is of God , and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not of God ’ ( 4:2 ) .
8 The fact was that Churchill and Eden were not of like minds and did not associate closely until Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940 .
9 Thus it is thought that the fact that some human beings are of the opposite sex to Christ is not of importance .
10 But Leonard is not of that cloth ; his nature is obsessive ; what he does , he must do with abandon ; he has to work in total conviction , and dedication .
11 Joan de Warenne being not of royal blood and not linked as you yourself are , Lady Anne , by a bond of marriage , I can see no virtue in such an arrangement . ’
12 Richardson is not of course the first great English novelist , but he is the first to be interested in houses , for the characters created by his predecessor , Defoe , and his contemporary , Fielding , are too often on the move to develop much awareness of their living space .
13 The duchy of Aquitaine was not of ancient or Carolingan origin .
14 Marriage to Leahy had had its ups and downs , of course ; but Joan was not of a nature to play anybody false .
15 Laura was n't of course , but you have to say that , do n't you ?
16 Such was his reputation that 2,000 people attended his funeral in Russia and one of the first statues in St Paul 's Cathedral in London was not of a sovereign , statesman or saint — but a simple , teetotal , vegetarian traveller who , as the inscription notes :
17 Ileana Cotrubas is not of that ilk , and many of her devotees must have been shocked when it was disclosed last weekend that her Covent Garden recital with Geoffrey Parsons on Thursday evening was to be her farewell British appearance .
18 Henry VI was not of the same calibre as his father .
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