Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [v-ing] next " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly Creed was standing next to him .
2 David was sitting next to her , smiling .
3 Tony Curtis was standing next to me so I said I was there to try and collect money from Mr Curtis .
4 Instead of coming up for medical attention he was just sitting there , looking white , and Ruth was sitting next to him .
5 Finch was sitting next to the underling .
6 The fact that Carlo was sitting next to her , overhearing the conversation , indolently gazing round the table or raising his glass to sip the delights of the Princesse 's cellar , only made things worse .
7 As Southey was writing next day of a future which opened to him ‘ a smiling prospect ’ , and of his hopes for ‘ the purest happiness Man can ever experience ’ , the summer was already at an end .
8 Mark is standing next to Babur .
9 ‘ Brigadier Bedwelty 's coming today , to teach us shooting , and Miss Gatehouse is coming next week , to start the riding ? ’
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