Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 To halt the decline the Hereford Herd Book Society is planning to label beef from the breed in butchers shops.It says Hereford beef tastes better than meat from Continental breeds.And it 's cheaper to produce , because Herefords are fattened on grass rather than on expensive cereals .
2 There is more pop surrealism by Anne Schwegmann-Fielding and clocks and candlesticks by Adrian Taylor are based on styles of the last 150 years .
3 The many mouth-watering desserts of Touraine are based on fruits .
4 The trapdoor in 6b leads to stone steps down into a cell ( 6a ) which contains three huddled human skeletons and the glint of gold ( 19 GCs are spilled on the floor beside one ) .
5 As well as studio kitchen sequences , the Rankins are filmed on a scenic culinary circuit of Ireland .
6 Ry Cooder and David Lindley are featured on the self-titled debut album from Hawaiian-based band The Pahinui Brothers ( on Private Music , through BMG ) .
7 Not even the Mother Goddesses are represented on pottery although they were extremely popular as pipe-clay figurines made in the Rhineland and found in Britain .
8 Most of the vines have a slightly east to north-facing aspect , although those near Montbré are found on a gentle east-facing ridge .
9 The offices of the ruling Democratic Constitutional Rally in Tunis were attacked on Feb. 17 by some 30 people , described in an official statement as " a commando of extremists " who attacked staff and destroyed archives .
10 When the Falklands were invaded on 2 April last year , they were given the weekend to pack and a police escort to the Dover ferry .
11 I handed back the receiver and heard Ronnie being agitated on the other end .
12 Such new suburbs were most attractive to the lower middle class , although Port Sunlight and Bournville were built on similar principles for workers , as were the LCC 's first cottage estates .
13 Fourteen months of negotiations between the Philippines and the United States were concluded on July 17 when the two sides agreed upon the terms of a new treaty which allowed the US military to continue to use its huge naval base at Subic Bay for a further 10 years after the expiry of the current lease .
14 In 1870 , they would point out , 47 per cent of the population in the United States were employed on the land .
15 Jan Alexander Taylor and Patrick Thomas Hayes were arrested on Tuesday , hours after police released film of two men caught on security cameras five weeks ago walking along the street near the Knightsbridge store about 30 minutes before a small bomb exploded .
16 Burn , Angell and Pownall were examined on their part in the judging ; Coe , Scott and Charles Barry junior as competitors ; and Sir Charles Barry as an architect who had ‘ directed much thought to the subject ’ .
17 He could see that Chopper and Frankie were sold on the idea .
18 Party cells within the KGB were banned on Aug. 23 .
19 Puffins were seen on the island for the first time in years .
20 Stukeley 's claim for All Saints ' College at Wothorpe is based on Speed 's early seventeenth-century map , and is just a misreading of an entry in Valor Ecclesiasticus , Henry VIII 's survey of the value of ecclesiastical property .
21 Bull sources nevertheless told Reuter some kind of partnership was being sought for Zenith.Bull is included on the list of state-controlled companies France wants to privatise .
22 The Grand Old Duke of York did lead his men ; Dick Whittington was a 15th century Lord Mayor of London ; Ring-A-Ring-O'-Roses is said to relate to an outbreak of plague in London in the 17th century ; and Bluebeard is based on a psychopathic French murderer of the 15th century .
23 It was a royal monopoly , and an earlier King Arkesilas is depicted on a Spartan vase of the mid-sixth century supervising his officials as they weighed it on a man-size balance ( Chamoux , Cyrene , plate vi .
24 The largest chunk of the increase over SSA is spent on funding school meals in Derbyshire because the price has not been increased for more than 10 years .
25 Although the village of Villeneuve-Renneville is located on the plains beneath the Côte des Blancs , its vineyards are set back , and occupy the lower slopes of le Mesnil-sur-Oger .
26 Every gun in Famagusta is trained on the end of that trench , and Genoese archers are among the best in the world .
27 Lisbon is situated on the north bank of the River Tagus .
28 Petö is founded on the theory that ’ Action is a pre-condition of thinking ’ .
29 The High Performance Fortran FORALL is based on this development , but adds nested FORALL statements , limited function calls and multiple statement capabilities .
30 The HPF FORALL is based on this development , but adds nested FORALL statements , limited function calls and multiple statement capabilities .
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