Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [adv] going " in BNC.

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1 The odds are likely to be fairly restrictive , and sadly those about Romany King are probably going to be no better in the Whitbread Pub Partnerships Handicap Chase .
2 Swindon are definitely going to win .
3 ‘ You and Biff are never going to get on .
4 If he were the only ‘ rookie ’ in defence , I would not be so worried , but Newsome and Wetherall are hardly going to be a stabilising influence .
5 It was past midnight , so this was the start of Sunday , and Sundays in Taiwan were not going to bear much resemblance to Sundays in the countries she had known so far .
6 That said , Walker is not going to ignore the new trends .
7 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
8 And Dennis is now going straight back to Chris and he 's going to give him
9 Uniforum and Patty Seybold 's Group , co-sponsors of Executive Uniforum , have parted company : Seybold is now going to host her own Open Systems Forum in Boston next April , promising to deliver a lot more users than Executive Uniforum ever did .
10 but my Auntie Jean 's not going in cos it 'll upset her an all .
11 I think he 's done it , I think he 's across the river and safe and there 's a buzzy glow of vicarious accomplishment starting to well up within me , but then there 's a cracking noise and he falls ; I think he 's tripped and fallen forward but he is n't lying flat on the snow , he 's sunk up to his waist in it and there 's a pool of darkness spreading on the whiteness around him as he struggles , trying to lever himself out and I ca n't believe this is happening , ca n't believe Andy is n't going to jump free ; I 'm yelling in fear now , shouting his name , screaming out to him .
12 For the time being Wordperfect is n't going to compete head-on against Lotus Development Corp 's Notes product .
13 Dr Paisley is still going strong , Johnathan Ball is dead .
14 ‘ Mrs Fanshawe 's just going to have her lunch , ’ she said .
15 erm , but I said there again Elly 's not going wan na be stuck up there on her own if your down here .
16 ‘ It seems to me , ’ Masklin said eventually , ‘ that Grandson Richard is n't going to go straight off to watch the satellite fly away .
17 My assistant Penny is also going . ’
18 Now , assuming they 're true , Blufton is hardly going to shop a drug smuggling ring he 's in on , so it 's safe to assume Nicola had another source of information .
19 Mr Stein was never going to win ; but his constant carping during the summer about the shortcomings of City Hall might have weakened Mr Dinkins ahead of the autumn fight .
20 But Marie was not going to be fooled like that again .
21 After the first week I came to the reluctant conclusion that Charlie Trumper was n't going to be pleased that I had sacrificed ten pounds of our money — six of his and four of mine — just to appease my female vanity .
22 Travelling with Dennis was hardly going to be a delight , but it would be worth it .
23 Manville was not going to be put off now .
24 Maurice , an amiable young man , had realised as soon as he came to the Reach that Richard was always going to do this and that he himself would accordingly be known as Dondeschiepolschuygen IV which was inscribed in gilt lettering on his bows .
25 Feeling decidedly uncomfortable at the older woman 's frosty manner , Rachel reluctantly followed her into the sitting-room hoping that David was n't going to be long .
26 Instead she glanced about the small chamber off the hall into which she had been ushered , thanking whatever saint had been responsible that de Raimes was apparently going to keep her to himself .
27 But it was clear Johnny was n't going to see the credits roll when he announced : ‘ I wanted to ride the mountain . ’
28 Cautious by nature , Simpkin was not going to rock the boat more than necessary .
29 And face it , England are n't going to win squot .
30 Some fares in Scotland are also going up by six percent .
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