Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time Stirling are well and truly embroiled in the relegation area and unless they can start scoring points they are going to continue to struggle .
2 They first appeared on the television in the mid 60s. 25 years on , The Thunderbirds are back and they 're more popular than ever .
3 The liabilities of NBFls are not and so we plainly can not use that argument here .
4 It is of great significance that most of the NICs are presently or have been in recent times one-party states , not necessarily totalitarian in the classic sense , but certainly lacking in most of the genuinely pluralistic institutions that characterize advanced industrial societies .
5 Will Snoopy be out and about ?
6 In October 1987 , when his days at Arsenal were well and truly numbered , Nicholas flew to the French Riviera with Arsenal 's chief executive Ken Friar .
7 Arsenal were home and dry .
8 ‘ Have the children not been told ? ’ the nursemaid enquired of Aunt Rose once Victoria and Richard were ahead and out of ear-shot .
9 ‘ If you 've changed so much , then you should n't care in the least whether Eleanor 's here or not .
10 ‘ I 've a good mind to go down to Mrs Wright 's now and get to the bottom of this , ’ said his Dad as Philip went upstairs .
11 Gazza is slowly but surely learning the Italian language , making it work for him .
12 Rex is there and Woodbine is there .
13 Subject : Rocky 's down and out
14 Subject : Re : Rocky 's down and out
15 Penny is in and out every few minutes at present , and we do n't want her to guess that we 're more than just owner and programme manager , do we ? ’
16 Portadown have lost Adele Sloan , who is pregnant , but Susie Kinley is back and Violet McBride will hope to go out on top in her last season .
17 ‘ I was told that Mr Morley was here and I just needed a brief word . ’
18 er when Pearl , my other daughter came over Christmas , course Andrea was more or less still going through a bit of a rough period with between her grandfather and her , you know ?
19 And Lucy was blithely or otherwise ignoring that fact .
20 At the entrance to the Press tent I asked the security man if Toby was inside and he pointed him out in the middle of the usual muddle of desks and papers , with telephones ringing and cigarette smoke drifting , and expletives exploding .
21 ‘ But the night before last , when we were in the garden , you knew Didi was here and it did n't seem to bother you overmuch . ’
22 A pattern emerged whereby shipping belonging to or destined for Kuwait was more or less assured of Iranian attention .
23 All went well until the dreadful day when Killigrew was away and a letter arrived for Mistress A. Killigrew .
24 In the fourteenth century , for instance , Arnaud de Cervole was in and out of royal employment and was actually appointed royal chamberlain in 1363 , while his son had the duke of Burgundy as his godfather .
25 Kieron Brady was the executinor … and Doncaster were home and dry …
26 In late October 1341 the king and Archbishop Stratford were solemnly and publicly reconciled , and a record of the occasion describes Derby as ‘ mediator in the settlement ’ .
27 Ireland 's once and future King …
28 Yes most certainly because er the point is that er we 're involved er with the erm , er and the honouring of the start of an agreement , and er I think that the West er therefore has er direct er responsibility also in this matter and er I fear that er ten percent , er alright ten percent of the nuclear weaponry is in Ukraine is in and er we do not er have some kind of proper arrangement being er agreed too .
29 The host software installs in seconds so that FastPort is up and running on your Unix LAN in minutes .
30 Nurse del Puablo is widely and justly celebrated for her skilled hands , hot thighs and soft lips , her pretty belly , bad ass and good tits .
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