Example sentences of "[noun prp] [det] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of all the things I was taught at school , this sticks in my mind more that anything , ’ said Christine Cooper when she wrote to tell us of her reaction to an article in MKM. that was last spring when we published a newsletter from Christine Morey telling of her adventures in Romania .
2 I travelled all so all this , Jim that 's alive now I done that for two years .
3 Well they just tell lies Sheila that 's all
4 If , if that 's the case Roger that 's fine .
5 The algebraic laws thus yield an algebraic semantics for occam that is isomorphic to our chosen denotational semantics .
6 Thank you for all that Lynda that 's great .
7 Land 's End that 's right , yes .
8 I told Michel that was all very well but for goodness ' sake stop taking her to that white port-wine place , the sandwiches there — though delicious — are minute .
9 " Will that be possible ? "
10 She took out her wallet and found that she had six pounds and ten shillings which she placed on the chair by his bed ; ‘ Will that be enough to be going on with ? ’ she asked .
11 It was the ability of the United States and the Soviet Union to outproduce Germany that was critical .
12 At this stage perhaps I can emphasize Jan this is such a flexible concept that er we are anxious not to lay down any rigid rules as to how it works because if some things do n't work very well , they can be altered and if some things do prove to work well like the event we had at Felixstowe we can build on that success so quite consciously we 're not laying down any rigid rules as to how things go and we will look to review how officers we , we erm advise you as members in the light of practical experience .
13 QPR v Chelsea This is likely to be Peter Reid 's last appearance in a Rangers shirt , with Loftus Road seemingly resigned to the midfielder 's becoming Howard Kendall 's player-coach at Manchester City .
14 PA-KUA This is another internal system of kung fu , and means ‘ eight trigrams ’ , which are the fundamental symbols of the I-Ching or Book of Changes .
15 J. S. That 's interesting .
16 Yeah thanks for thanks for facilitating Andy that 's great .
17 The Labour government will make itself available to our friends in India and Pakistan to assist in achieving a negotiated solution to the problem of Kashmir that is acceptable to all the people of Kashmir — Moslems , Hindus and Buddhists .
18 Oh yes , Andrea that 's right .
19 It 's the MO that 's all wrong …
20 but Lucy that 's four less than the last time so that , have , have you got them all written down your corrections ?
21 Thursday and Friday that 's right .
22 A Georgian Denville that 's all I ask !
23 Do you know some people well enough in some of these other seed companies to approach them and find out with whom they are dealing with or do UKKASTA that 's capital U , K , capital K , capital A , capital S , capital T , capital A have a recognized list of consultants ?
24 Oh Sue that is dreadful .
25 And that caught the interest of everyone straight away er , budgeting , how to be able to look at banking etcetera , and I said well and I want you to do that first so I do n't mind mainly because I was gon na work wi with Anne about the , with the environments , and then it 's science , could n't cover with the with the environment that she would like me in tutorial to do and er she has n't , well it 's not her now , unfortunately , I think it 's Sue that is supposed to be working with me cos I want to do something on recycling of rubbish etcetera within the school and do a big sort of er project on it .
26 In Britain , public expenditure ran at 44.6 per cent of GNP in 1983 , while in the United States this was 34.2 per cent .
27 What are we doing or not doing in Scotland that is alienating from us our natural Scottish supporters ? ’
28 Oh Venavae that 's right , yeah and the chap brought over a whole leg of lamb
29 Yeah well the thing about Simon that 's excellent is that he just accepts people for what they are and he does n't judge people
30 for them and he said there ai n't a bugger in England that 's good !
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