Example sentences of "[noun prp] [num] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 The drafters of the 1533 act can readily be imagined looking up the statute of Richard II which referred to ‘ varlets called yeomen ’ in the service of lords — the Canon 's Yeoman no less .
32 Edward III always recognised the importance of noble support in his wars , and , both in his reign and in that of his grandson , Richard II who succeeded him in 1377 , the nobility led from the front .
33 August 19 : N1867Q was the Cessna 185F Skywagon II which crashed .
34 Typical of the Palestinian mood was a commentary broadcast on PLO central radio in Baghdad , Iraq , on Jan. 11 which claimed that the peace negotiations had reached a " level of absurdity " and described discussions between the USA and Israeli as a " dialogue among deaf people " .
35 On Jan. 5 he pledged to continue and consolidate the free-market reforms started by the Mazowiecki government .
36 For example , for the reign of Edward I we know , from documentary sources , how much coinage was minted and how many dies were made ( fig. 23 ) .
37 Edward I himself employed his closest kinsmen — Edmund of Lancaster and Henry Lacy , earl of Lincoln — in his south-western French lands at critical periods .
38 Far too valuable to be let go , it was resurrected by Edward I who acquired in 1280 the manor of Iham in Icklesham , a plateau overlooking the old site .
39 On Jan. 25 it had been announced that 50,000 tonnes of cereals supplied as famine relief by the EC would be distributed in Sudan through Danish and UK relief agencies .
40 In another broadcast on Jan. 13 he disclosed the names of nine men , eight of whom he said had been arrested , and a magistrate on Jan. 19 formally charged five soldiers and four officers including Col. Guillermo Alfredo Benavides , director of a military school , in connection with the murders .
41 On Jan. 16 he return from exile , addressing a rally in his home town of Zugdidi and calling for civil war on the " junta " and for the creation of a Megrel-Abkhazian republic in the west .
42 On Jan. 16 he called again for an intensification of the armed struggle , but on Jan. 18 he reportedly told the executive council meeting that currently " we do not have the capacity within our country to intensify the armed struggle in any meaningful way " , that the ANC must " begin without delay to prepare our negotiating position " , and that in the event of its being unbanned it would have to decide whether to operate only as a legal movement or , alternatively , to maintain underground units .
43 On Jan. 8 he had attempted to bolster his support amongst other LDP factions by persuading Shin Kanemaru , 77 , the leader of the largest faction and arguably the most influential figure within the LDP , to become vice-president of the party and to take on the responsibility of co-ordinating its internal affairs .
44 Chevènement 's visit to Saudi Arabia on Jan. 20 led to accusations that he was undermining the morale of French troops , while on Jan. 23 he provoked a controversy when he called into question the patriotism of former President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and of former Prime Minister Jacques Chirac , as well as recalling that both had assisted Iraq in developing its nuclear potential by authorizing a number of major contracts in the 1970s .
45 During a mass in Cape Verde on Jan. 25 , he said that the developments in Eastern Europe should not lead to the international community forgetting the plight of the Third World , while in Mali on Jan. 28 he appealed for harmony between the Christian and Moslem religions .
46 On Easter Saturday 1982 he made his most famous deal , picking up troubled Chelsea Football Club when it was in danger of closure — for £1 .
47 The Canadian Human Rights Commission released a report on Jan. 15 which concluded that the rights of a group of native Inuit had been violated when they were forcibly relocated from northern Quebec to the Arctic wilderness of Cornwallis and Ellesmere Islands .
48 On Jan. 15 he told a news conference that the FLN regarded the HCS as " unconstitutional " ; its formation left " the way wide open for any kind of adventurism and extremist theses , [ and ] makes the road back to political stability long and arduous " .
49 The UFF killed a Catholic on Jan. 9 , and on Jan. 15 it killed a Protestant builder who it claimed had been an informer for the security forces .
50 One fourteenth-century manuscript contains information about four : those of Catherine of Siena , the fourteenth-century Italian girl who became a Dominican tertiary and whose teaching based on mystical certainty of the reality of her union with Christ , with whom she experienced a spiritual visionary marriage , was given official Dominican patronage ; and three thirteenth-century Belgian mystics : Christina called Mirabilis from St Truden ; Elizabeth of Spalbeck , a Belgian recluse patronised by the Cistercians ; and the prototypical Beguine , Mary of Oignies , championed by Jacques de Vitry , the Bishop of Acres and later a Cardinal Legate at the court of Gregory IX who protected her and wrote her biography .
51 By mid-September 1989 it had resulted in the death of some 35,000 birds , 10,000 sea otters , 147 bald eagles and an estimated 16 whales in and around Prince William Sound , the location of the disaster .
52 On Jan. 24 she announced further proposals which envisaged lifting the state 's foreign trade monopoly , full convertibility for the East German Mark by 1992 , the lowering of tax rates , and the introduction of a commercial banking system .
53 In March 1178 he had renewed an old alliance with Castile — an aggressive alliance directed against the little mountain kingdom of Navarre .
54 The three principal figures in his demonology proved to be the Shah , Israel and the United States , and in a sermon against this trio in March 1963 he had done much to trigger the disturbances of that summer and the process that led to his banishment to Najaf in Iraq .
55 Printing in colour is a little harder as there are only two colour printers available ; the Tektronix model which uses QuickDraw and the QMS ColorScript 100 which uses the same engine but has the PostScript language as well .
56 On March 7 he had been suspended from the House of Commons for 20 days after the Commons select committee on members ' interests had on Feb. 19 upheld two allegations against him of failing to declare business dealings in the register of MPs ' interests .
57 From 1 March 1991 they increased the interest rate from 1.9 per cent a month to 2 per cent , raising the APR from 26.8 to 28.3 per cent .
58 ‘ In March 1991 we acquired FPC International which concentrates exclusively on corporate finance documents .
59 So in March 1991 he negotiated the sale of the house for £283,000 , though the amount needed to redeem the mortgage was by then £358,587 .
60 In the year ending March 1991 he says there were 350 direct investment projects by foreign owned companies into the UK , recorded by the DTI 's Invest in Britain Bureau .
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