Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 Ellen asked before I could refuse to answer .
2 David asked if I could jive and at this particular time I always dressed as a man , which was probably another reason Calvin and I got along very well because Calvin wore velvet suits and I wore velvet suits — so that was one area we got on very well .
3 ‘ Mrs Wright asked if I wanted a lift home , then she went to that house , the one in the photograph . ’
4 Edward watched as I kicked off my shoes and socks , unbuckled my jeans and let them fall .
5 Frankie appeared as I was filling the kettle and offered to do it for me .
6 Colette and Bernard self-published works about matters holistic and mystical , and Ken relaxed when I told him I was working on a thriller .
7 ‘ That 's roughly what Richard said when I dined with him .
8 Karen reacted before I did .
9 ‘ Have some skoosh , ’ Ash said as I sat down next to her .
10 I 'm gon na come in first thing Monday thought cos I 've got ta pick some things up right .
11 Tom said if I brought some mates , he 'd get us in .
12 Capron said if I met you again I 'd be sacked . ’
13 My interest in MacDonald began when I was given a well-worn copy of his Unspoken Sermons .
14 Goldberg delighted when I told him about the gauze and the draught , he wrote .
15 Dr Stainer died when I was fourteen-and-a half and for the next eighteen months I attended one of the LCC Day schools .
16 Oliver said when I told him this story rather hesitatingly , though I expect my nerves were to do with talking about Gillian .
17 Well Mary said if I thought for a minute that she would stick at it , I would pay for her but
18 The passport office in Liverpool issued me with a new passport , and , though I had made dozens of requests to the army for a vehicle , BBC Radio Manchester succeeded where I had failed .
19 Otley asked as I ran to the hippopotamus clutching an armful of debris .
20 JH : Something that Frans Brüggen mentioned when I met him recently [ see JH 's interview , CDR 9/91 — Ed. ] was the still prevalent post-Paganini reversal of performing interest , whereby the difficult appears effortless , and the facile of monumental significance .
21 ‘ Quite simple really , ’ Daphne replied when I put the same question to her that evening .
22 ‘ I should n't think he wants to , ’ Perkin remarked as I had n't answered in a rush .
23 Otley demanded when I got in .
24 Haines asked if I would ring up Max Aitken — whom he knew to be a very good friend — to ask him to dissuade his editor from publishing the story , which had until then been kept as a dark secret .
25 Benjamin did while I glanced around .
26 Geoff said if I had n't have wanted the money I would n't have bothered .
27 The hon. Member for Thurrock asked whether I did not know that if one took economic resources from one area and instilled them into others that was merely a way of upsetting the ordinary economic mechanism and that it did not result in any advances .
28 Thank you very much indeed for the smelly duck — or should I say scented , it is such a nice smell ! — and for the pretty scarf which , you may be surprised to hear , Mark admired when I was wearing it the other day though he had n't realized it was new and from you !
29 I did n't tell you what Emma thought because I do n't is that a blank page ?
30 Taff enquired as I jumped down into the trench beside him .
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