Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Married on Tuesday and today it 's only Saturday , and he 's gone away !
2 I mean Simon Greyson is not not picking up here neither is Colin Hill and really it 's come on a little bit sudden but that was totally unnecessary as well .
3 It arrives in Turkey from Pakistan and then it 's hidden in secret compartments in lorries .
4 She said it 's a big , big cut off , if your phone rings you 're out , so of course the phone were ringing , then it went to one in post , no it never , it went first from Ann from Lynnette then to Ann and then it went to Kathy and then it went to erm somebody else and then it come to me but I 've got seven hundred thousand pounds worth of money on my desk that I were banking and Jane had got that job and Jane was on post in cash cos she ai n't got a job cos that thing with them shoes did n't take off and do you know
5 Leeds is Well it 's actually not Leeds it 's Garforth and then it 's Leeds and it 's back .
6 The price has doubled since Iraq invaded Kuwait and now it 's going up fast though with traders convinced that a war in the Gulf is inevitable .
7 In the time of King Edward and afterwards it was worth seven pounds , now sixteen .
8 and erm so that erm the shift that was on say Sunday , would erm erm be on again on the Saturday and so it erm , you know you got a different day
9 ‘ As I say , it went to Canon Wheeler or perhaps it 's in his house , amongst his effects . ’
10 Erm then there was the er and he m Dr , and er Dr and then it became Dr , who is still there .
11 We had organised this before we left England and so it was a test of our planning skills .
12 The overall results at Thunder Bay again favoured Scotland and so it was with a comfortable lead that we left for our final destination .
13 I used to live in Brixton but then it was so sentimental last night because John Major he took us all round there because that 's where he comes from you see
14 I was going to get you to talk about Mitch and England but now it is impossible . ’
15 Sometimes the dog went with Melanie and sometimes it stayed at home and sometimes it was busy .
16 This of course meant that we would not be able to carry out our tasks in and around Arad and indeed it looked as if we may not every get to Bucharest .
17 Caught four fish I think it 's West Clandon or somewhere it 's in Surrey it 's where his Dad 's got he takes out his annual
18 Now , from Trivers and actually it would be better on the , on the proper thing would n't it ?
19 They had never even tried it until she had first seen Alain and now it seemed that every step she took was to be supervised .
20 I walked in and Jerry Rafferty was playing , so we thought Baker Street and then it went from there .
21 In a further speech in August 1987 he complained that there had been a tendency both in the USSR and outside it to see the socialist construction of the 1930s as no more than a series of mistakes .
22 The large number of members involved means that a full meeting of this board would be too cumbersome for the day-to-day administration of the IMF and so it meets only once a year , mainly to ratify any new proposals .
23 There was a letter from George Langley , from Cambridge , waiting for her at Bishopstow but somehow it did not interest her , she could hardly be bothered to open it .
24 Well I mean , going with Jim but obviously it wo n't be much fun for just for him so
25 This , however , is not the case in many developing countries , especially in Africa and thus it is likely that the rate of land degradation will increase indefinitely as populations continue to grow .
26 She said it 's a big , big cut off , if your phone rings you 're out , so of course the phone were ringing , then it went to one in post , no it never , it went first from Ann from Lynnette then to Ann and then it went to Kathy and then it went to erm somebody else and then it come to me but I 've got seven hundred thousand pounds worth of money on my desk that I were banking and Jane had got that job and Jane was on post in cash cos she ai n't got a job cos that thing with them shoes did n't take off and do you know
27 Someone else had got it together for Adam and there it all was .
28 Used to be called Brian and then it was that David fellow , anyway I said well I should n't bother to vote last time , anyway David n erm David Dennis said you will I 'll take you there so he took me
29 ‘ I just now want to win the last two races in Japan and Australia and then it 's a new career for me . ’
30 I only live a few doors down the road from Derek and normally it would have taken me just a minute or two , but on this occasion it seemed to take ages .
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