Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun prp] [conj] if " in BNC.

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1 Erm yeah I certainly would encourage you down that path Miss Whittaker that if it helps , I do n't know whether you 've got all the documents , but in our our submissions to the county we suggested that if E two has to survive erm and to add the words , sorry , exactly as you started the sentence but finishing that the exceptions were areas of the sites allocated for development in local plans , it would seem to me to make it absolutely clear what the freedom of local interpretation was in the statutory plan process whilst giving the county the the that it wanted on all the other areas of the county .
2 True , he had frequently circumnavigated Ramsey Island but if the tides are used to best advantage then the Bitches will not be working as they are passed .
3 I thought it was a bit of a cheek seeing as I 'm due here mornings but I 've nothing against Mrs. Schofield and if she wanted me I was n't above obliging .
4 And Leeds acknowledges that one of the things the other things that needs to be taken into account by North Yorkshire if if R P G two is to be conformed with , is the need to revitalize West Yorkshire .
5 It has been pointed out by Dr Baugh that if rising levels of poor-relief expenditure are expressed in per capita terms and related to wheat prices , the real level of poor-relief spending was fairly constant from the early 1790s to 1814 .
6 So worried was the United States allies that the British prime minister flew er to the Unites States , to Washington , to er tell President Truman that if the United States used atomic weapons in that war , then this would seriously affect the alliance , the , the NATO alliance .
7 STRIKER David Hirst yesterday reminded Graham Taylor that if England are in need of a goalscorer , he could provide the perfect answer .
8 John Magee said that when he told Mr Cranley that if IBM tried to drill , it ‘ will be over my dead body ’ , Mr Cranley replied ‘ in that case your body will be under the mud ’ .
9 Chatam may run for Martin Pipe and if so would have a big chance on the strength of that close second at Leopardstown to subsequent Gold Cup winner Jodami .
10 Asked about comments by Mr Sugar that if Mr Venables went and Spurs topped the League early next season , people would soon forget him , she said : ‘ I ca n't see us being top of the League without Terry Venables to be honest , and we would n't forget him anyway . ’
11 Now I will give my pledge Mr Mayor that if and when the situation arises that a full service is required and needed , it will get my full support , er I hope it 's not , but if it should arise I would have no hesitation in supporting the second part of the amendment .
12 It clearly weighed with Parke and Martin BB. that if the plaintiff had not agreed to pay the sums asked he would not have been allowed to make the extracts .
13 The pension was a voluntary gratuitous payment ant the words ’ except in the wool trade ’ were merely an intimation to Mr Wyatt that if he did enter the wool trade he must not expect them to continue the pension .
14 Johnston , a repeated critic of the Deans family , added : ‘ Two years ago , I told Hamish Deans that if his son took over Falkirk , he would either be accepted for life by the Falkirk fans or hounded until he left .
15 What he was also wondering was whether Harriet had received any letters of the kind received by Tom Fearon and if so , whether she had kept them ?
16 Visually , the body reminds me of a Schecter or Tom Anderson and if it was n't for Aria 's distinctive headstock you 'd be hard pushed to tell this was n't a £1500 guitar from a few feet away .
17 Richard Rowntree , the chairman of the bench , told Mr Smith that if they had taken the view that the ill treatment of his stock had been deliberate , their decision would have been a lot different .
18 Albert Ball or William Booth or if he really wants a statue of a lady why not Maid Marian in a lace shawl ?
19 It is well acted and well directed by Patrick Dromgoole and if you want three acts of vicious infighting , grisly humour , sadism , transvestism and incest this play contains them all .
20 I think if I was about say Professor Lock that if I twelve was dispensed with you might notice a difference in terms of the application of I five .
21 In accordance with Article 4 of this Treaty , the British government had sought and received assurances from the United States that if extradition were to take place , the death penalty would not be carried out .
22 Admittedly , it would take twenty-four hours to see if the blood on the scissors matched the sample from Nicola Sharpe and if the partial fingerprints could be matched against the elimination prints from David Parkin .
23 I hope the chairman of Sedgefield District Council will at the earliest opportunity demand an apology from Coun Ord and if he fails to respond , to ban him from the council chamber .
24 It is not actually brought to the United Kingdom and if it is brought then it is brought by the lender and , following Carter v Sharon 20 TC 229 , that will not have been a remittance by the relevant taxpayer .
25 Ring or write to Harry Townsend and if you have information about your teams for inclusion in this column , then write only to me direct !
26 ‘ The figures mean that someone has been defrauding the company and it was n't Craig Grenfell because if you look at the dates you 'll see that the fiddling went on even when Craig was in prison . ’
27 I have given instructions to Brian Lewis that if members of staff are found trying to abuse this facility he should switch off the lift system entirety .
28 By the time Judith was seven , it was quite obvious to Bertha Cohen that if she was to have any hope of achieving the enlargement of her life that she dreamed of she would just have to try again .
29 I think there 's a need to assess those relationships and those factors evenly and fairly across Greater York and if nothing else I think we owe that to the public er of Greater York .
30 Are new health policies ( and services ) needed for West Belfast and if so , what ?
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