Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun pl] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Hawthorne researchers argued that this does not necessarily follow .
2 The detailed differences between the CO and CS maps imply that the pressure of interstellar gas in the bulge is much higher than it is in the disk .
3 Certainly there is plenty in the literature about using cobalt-60 sources for sterilisation and DoE researchers found that spent reactor fuel rods did the job quite effectively ..
4 Bantam Books reports that sales of Maya Angelou books have skyrocketed since she delivered the inaugural poem at President Bill Clinton 's swearing-in ceremony , says BP Report .
5 Ian barnes intervened when she appeared to be pulled .
6 Sequencing of the PCR fragments confirmed that the largest PCR fragment observed in the U251 mRNA included type III repeats AD1 , 11 , 12 and flanking type III repeats 10 and 13 sequences .
7 If even attempts to improve the standard of estate management did not raise the level of the returns ( and the study of the Talbot Whitchurch estates suggests that these were more affected by the underlying economic conditions than by the standard of management ) , the only prospect for a lord was to seek some supplementary income beyond that of his estates .
8 ‘ A specter is haunting Europe and North America — the specter of widespread forest decline , ’ wrote a respected US Institute as United States researchers reported that , in a survey of 17 states from Maine to Missouri , several species showed ‘ a systematic , regionally scaled and sustained decline in growth ’ over the previous 20 — 25 years .
9 The Cambodian government announced on Dec. 5 its intention to establish an office in Phnom Penh to co-ordinate efforts at finding United States servicemen listed as missing in action .
10 All told , the Warwick researchers said that the compensation effects could increase employment by 420000 — more than cancelling out the destruction of jobs in factories or offices that take on board the new technologies .
11 KGB General Vladimir Podelyakin called on the Bashkirian parliament to declare an environmental disaster zone over large parts of the republic , warning that " KGB experts predict that life in Bashkiria will be doomed if urgent measures are not taken in the very near future " .
12 Unsurprisingly , many TEC directors think that they have been badly short-changed .
13 In a country where only 52% of the 16m people are Muslim , UMNO moderates recognise that religious zealotry could lead to communal tension and economic decline .
14 The 27th of February , the Reichs Archives recorded as being ‘ the first day of the Battle for Verdun that , despite the heroic fighting of the troops and despite great and bloody sacrifices , brought German arms no success anywhere . ’
15 No group claimed responsibility , but PLO officials said that Zayd had come to Tunis in October 1989 among a group of defectors from the Revolutionary Council of Fatah led by Sabri al-Banna ( Abu Nidal ) , who had been expelled from the PLO in 1974 .
16 Research conducted for both the Redcliffe-Maud and Wheatley Commissions indicated that people recognised extremely localised communities as a basis for their social life .
17 Raybestos officials deny that the move to Ireland was in any way connected with the difficulties faced by producers of asbestos products in the US .
18 According to Leonard , ‘ Although Raybestos officials claimed that they were strictly observing all agreed upon dumping procedures , on-site inspection provided clear evidence to the contrary .
19 But these civil servants and other well-remunerated Brussels officials forget or ( what is even worse ) do not understand that the smuggling of excavated goods and tribal art has nothing whatsoever to do with the trade in Old Masters , modern paintings and other Western art from the developed world .
20 STAFF at Pakistan Airlines wept as they consoled victims ' relatives .
21 United States officials claimed that most of the nuclear-related technology that Iran was seeking to obtain from China , Brazil and elsewhere could be used equally for nuclear weapons or civilian uses .
22 Other PLO sources speculated that the assassinations might have been commissioned by the Israeli security service Mossad , perhaps by infiltration of the Abu Nidal group .
23 These voters often determine the outcome of statewide elections , and Texas politicos predict that they will do the same this time ; if not in the primary ( where the winner must get more than 50% of the vote , which is unlikely ) , then in the run-off in June .
24 Surrey managers said that many elderly day patients who would normally be carried by non-emergency crews have had to be readmitted to hospital in the past three months .
25 Not for her , one feels fairly sure , would have been sables worn as a chemise , nor Savonnerie carpets used as underfelting .
26 Appleton & Lange is part of the business , technical and professional group of Paramount Publishing , more familiar as Simon & Schuster until a few weeks ago , when Paramount Communications announced that it was changing the name of publishing group ( International News , 5th February ) .
27 There was a cowboy song on the juke , ‘ I Dreamed of a Hillbilly Heaven , ’ and the two Maniax were practising their fast draws against a GenTech Amusements Machine that zapped you insensible with a light voltage if the computer-generated gunslinger cleared leather faster than you did .
28 Likud members won after Labour representatives insisted that the vote was illegal .
29 Faldo will want to defend his Volvo Masters title if he wins here because he could then still clinch the European Order of Merit .
30 THE U.S.-based parcels empire , United Parcel Service ( UPS ) , relies on a fleet of diesel Ford and Mercedes vans to collect and deliver international packages and freight in Britain .
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