Example sentences of "[noun prp] ['s] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 And in Amabel 's experience it had always been the wife who complained of it , Ethel Lord , for instance , fretting herself into a decline , or very nearly , when her husband had taken to spending so much time in Leeds ; Maria Colclough turning to religion because her man emerged so rarely from his counting house ; even strident Lizzie Braithwaite complaining that she had been neglected for the sake of the business .
2 Ken talked a lot about suicide , but in Orton 's company it had to have sexual connotations , as though he were constantly — and whatever the subject of his conversations — having to keep up with the Joneses , in this case Orton and his assorted friends if not specifically Orton and Halliwell .
3 ‘ Captain Meredith 's nigger it 'll be , and I 'll thankee to get back to th'work , Sally Dade , — said Salt .
4 At Clogau St. David 's mine it occurs in small , rich , steeply-dipping shoots associated with pyrite and pyrrhotite together with galena and bismuth tellurides .
5 Today we use the word ‘ meditation ’ quite differently : in Hilton 's time it meant study rather than a purely contemplative exercise .
6 ‘ Since old Josh 's time it 's been used as a holiday retreat by various Proberts down the years , ’ he added , ‘ with some of the land let out for summer grazing to mainland farmers . ’
7 Later in Michael Ramsey 's life it disturbed his conventional critics when they found a guardian of Catholic orthodoxy saying that he hoped and expected to meet atheists in heaven .
8 So then his Scott 's mum and Noel 's mum met in town and they were just talking and Scott 's mum it 's dis , God it 's disgusting is n't it that lad given all them little lads love bites !
9 From the sudden change in Rune Christensen 's demeanour it seemed she might have cause to be optimistic .
10 Even under Edward 's guidance it proved difficult to feel my way into the texts he gave me to read .
11 By Edward 's reign it was usual for the monarch to extract from a newly elected bishop or abbot a pension of about 3 or 5 marks for a royal servant until such time as the prelate could promote him to a suitable living .
12 In Balbinder 's case it was not simply that he was a slow learner .
13 In Keynes 's time it was mainly wealthy or high-income earning individuals who operated speculative balances , but in the modern economy this role has been assumed more by institutions which manage contractual savings held in pension funds , life assurance contracts , and the like .
14 Cassie wondered hazily whether in Johnny 's book it would be considered all right to force himself on the other sort of girl , whoever she may be !
15 This was successful and at the time of Down 's death it could accommodate 200 patients .
16 At 50 points it 's quite expensive , but if it saves your Warlord 's life it 's obviously worth it .
17 To Curtis 's ears it sounded uncannily like the faint clapping of a ghostly audience .
18 The Isle of Wight might well have been renamed the ‘ Isle of Grey ’ in the gloomy winter light , but while the photo session reinforced the Beaver 's manoeuvrability it did highlight its inertia , even large power changes taking their time to have an effect .
19 On the day after Aquino 's announcement it was reported that 28 congressmen and 22 governors had broken with the LDP and announced their support for Ramos .
20 Watchdog lists FIVE of Lundgren 's movements it claims are dangerous .
21 Before leaving the question of Molla Husrev 's Muftilik it must be pointed out that further documentary evidence calls in question one element of the account , namely the assertion that Molla Husrev built his medrese on going to Bursa after his falling-out with Mehmed II .
22 When Cecilia looked back to Tina 's childhood it was always that particular day when Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself that she remembered .
23 Like the Holy Ghost , ascending and descending on the foreheads of the Apostles , only in Maggie 's case it 's voles and fieldmice . ’
24 Then , scampering up behind Handlebar 's bird it grabbed its rival by the neck , gripped , and forced it down on to its side .
25 With mum Carol 's heritage it could never have been any other way — her roots , after all , lay thousands of miles away in Wales , the Land of Song .
26 After Stalin 's fall it became the Road of the Heroes and then was changed to the Road of Youth .
27 What would have happened if Dr Dunstaple had replied to Dr McNab 's challenge it is hard to say .
28 In Whitham 's case it was different and he certainly was what could be termed an inspired choice by the Lightweight club .
29 Rachaela did not like the screen , but as with Ruth 's bed it was too large to dispose of easily .
30 For one of Karl Barth 's disposition it could never be said that because something has been perceived to be natural by humankind , therefore it is the will of God .
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