Example sentences of "[noun prp] [am/are] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 The traffic-free routes in the Forest of Dean are already a big attraction for cyclists .
2 Bananarama girls Sara and Keren are now a smart new double act .
3 When representatives of the offending authorities are called to account by the Committee , they will need to come up with some better answers to justify their past actions than that members of CPRW are just a fractious minority .
4 The Desertas are now a bird sanctuary .
5 However , before getting too carried away and concluding that detailed activity-based accounting may soon be outdated , and replaced by more simple machine-time analyses , it must be remembered that the extremes of CIM are still a long way off for most industries .
6 Jefferson Airhead are definitely a band of the times — young but old-headed , exuberant but smart , and fired with the possibilities of the new pop euphoria ; anything goes and Jefferson Airhead are going along with it all .
7 Although Dundee are traditionally a ‘ protestant ’ team , religion plays a much more low-key role than in Glasgow and Edinburgh ; the rivalry is one of status .
8 Their publications would do credit to any university : Libertarian Conflicts in Social Choice , by UBS Phillips & Drew 's John Wriglesworth , The Role of Crack Resistance Parameters in Polymer Wear , by Williams de Broe 's Mustapha Omar and Stellar Winds ( which might conceivably be a volume of poetry ) by Robert Fleming 's Martin Murch are just a few of the titles that leap off the page .
9 Warwick are obviously a firm who stand by their products and the people who use them .
10 Relations with the LEAs are also a fruitful source of tensions and confusions at the moment .
11 Thailand , Malaysia , India , Canada , New England , Kenya , Jamaica and Florida are just a handful of the places we have chosen for our impressive 1990 programme .
12 Jacobs [ 1989 ] adds the deficiencies of circularity of definitions and obsolescence to the above ; and argues that MRDs are only a piece of the solution to the lexical acquisition problem .
13 Now , having beaten West Indies three times in quick succession after not having beaten them for years , outclassing New Zealand 2–0 out there , the first team in over a decade to win a Test rubber there , and of course reaching the World Cup final , England are now a force to be reckoned with .
14 LNTs are always a half step below the arpeggio note .
15 The vineyards of Sillery are indeed an extension of the lower slopes of Verzenay , where they stretch out along the flatter , frost-prone ground on the plain beneath the Montagne de Reims , taking a good kilometre and a half to rise a mere twenty metres or so .
16 Rouen and Impressionist Normandy , Mozart 's Vienna , Madrid and the Treasures of Castile , New England in the Fall and a cruise of the Rhine are just a few of the overseas holidays available , while the UK Breaks give people the opportunity to study in depth a subject or area such as Historic Houses of Wessex or the Gardens of Mercia .
17 The shame is that , while the ICC have dragged the players over the gain line , the TCCB are still a big heave short .
18 West Indies are certainly a formidable one-day force in the Caribbean .
19 Smith insists Brugge are still a threat , but Rangers ' journey to Marseille in April appears to be the key to who meets AC Milan — and surely it must be the Italians — in the final .
20 Cliftonville are now a team to be respected by other Irish League outfits and good luck to them in next week 's Irish Cup semi-final .
21 Souness said : ‘ Wimbledon are quite an aggressive side .
22 Wimbledon are always a difficult side to beat , especially on their own ground .
23 The allocations of SDRs by the IMF have been very limited , ( no new issues since 1981 ) and consequently SDRs are only a small part of countries ' reserves .
24 SUDBURY are just a whisker away from capping a memorable season with promotion from the Courage League National Division Four South , and all roads lead to High Wycombe for the Moorsfield faithful this afternoon .
25 The Parthenon in Athens , St Paul 's Cathedral in London and the Leaning Tower of Pisa are just a few priceless examples .
26 The East Coast ports from the Humber to the Tyne are now an obvious gateway to fast-growing trade with the rest of the European Community , and to potential growth areas in recently liberated Eastern Europe .
27 Firstly TBDFs are basically an extension across borders of a phenomenon which in the 1980S expanded dramatically at national level .
28 ‘ This has put the pressure on us and although it will still be a tall order because Denbighshire are always a force to be reckoned with , I am confident we have the players who could pull it off . ’
29 FNM are also a sensitive lot , although their sensitivity is as twisted and tormented as vocalist Mike Patton 's melodies .
30 The vineyards of Bergères-les-Vertus are largely an extension of the lower slopes of Vertus reaching down to the southern tip of the Côte des Blancs .
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