Example sentences of "[noun prp] [that] [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 I think he was rather taken aback because my understanding is that he told David that he could get him out of the contract .
2 I felt like shit and I was trying so hard not to think of Lewis and Verity that I could n't think about anything else , but the day was fabulous ; clear and cold , the sky crystal blue and reflecting in the waters of hill-cupped lochans and the glinting length of Loch Add .
3 Diana admitted to Penny that she could n't bear the pressure of her position any longer and that she had to leave the system .
4 He reported back to Allah that he could find only an idol worshipper .
5 As acting Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces under Marcos , Ramos had led a military mutiny in support of Aquino , and it was this which had finally convinced Marcos that he could no longer continue to cling to office .
6 The talk drifted off into technicalities for a while , and then , those disposed of , Nagel told Herr Nordern that he could go .
7 At nineteen Shallot was virtuous , a prosperous man soon to be a merchant prince who would show both Master Benjamin and the great Wolsey that he could rise without their help .
8 Meanwhile , World Cup hero Alan Ball has been such a big hit with Graham Taylor that he could soon be named as England 's permanent coach .
9 At last she had managed to persuade Miss Taylor that she could n't possibly stay for lunch , that she and Fen planned to picnic while he worked .
10 The telephone rang while I was busy explaining to Tony Crosland that I could not accept a further term of office at the Housing Corporation , since I had been appointed to the Mastership of University College , Oxford , but I had agreed to a request that I should at least stay for another year to see someone else in .
11 In early 1947 the British , financially drained , and facing complicated imperial problems in India and Palestine , told Washington that they could no longer provide their traditional assistance to the Greek and Turkish governments .
12 There were in fact three different Cuzcos that I could see .
13 In 1779 Boswell wrote : ‘ I was quite enchanted with Chester that I could with difficulty quit it . ’
14 Eliot had already told Browne that he could not promise to deliver the play until June at the earliest .
15 so if you had a date in November that you could give me , time to get people together
16 After a discussion with Ira Dilworth I telegraphed Dr Liu requesting him to inform Chiang Kai-Shek that I could be available to go to China on a month 's notice .
17 He told the Commons that he could not force the generators to sign a deal in advance of the white paper .
18 All over Europe sailors had been accustomed to drawing a meridian through a point in their own country or through the furthest point to the west out in the Atlantic that they could determine with any certainty , and English sailors had usually taken their fixed meridian from a point west of the Lizard ( the last promontory of land they could see as they left the English Channel ) .
19 The station commander , a well-known Battle of Britain type , suggested that he had wasted more animo on the Luftwaffe that he could have kept for such an occasion as ours .
20 Sheriff Higgings told Arthur that he could do nothing other than give him a custodial sentence .
21 Sometimes , when she looked at her like that , it seemed to Emmie that she could easily forget what Gran was like when she was well — how she had looked , sitting in the kitchen all last winter , rocking in her old chair and telling them stories and teaching Oliver games to play with her darning eggs .
22 There was no female suffrage in Paris that she could observe .
23 But someone discovered in China that you could put them together and it went off with a bang .
24 he told Doctor Lanyon that he could leave the room .
25 Some patients got others to write for them when they were low , but there was nothing Lily wanted to say to Vincent that she could ask anyone to write .
26 He suggested once to Blanche that she could perhaps feel such chill draughts blowing from the past when others could not .
27 To cut a long story short , it was n't until Wednesday that I could fit my shoes for the wedding , which was Thursday !
28 The hostility of United directors to his backers persuaded Mr Knighton that he could never hope to reconcile them to his ownership of the club .
29 Now she had to let her husband know , oh-so-artlessly , that she had set a guard on Marion that he could n't break without scandal .
30 The Libyan plane was about eight nautical miles from Italian air space when it was told by air traffic controllers in Malta that it could not fly over Italian territory , an Italian air force spokesman said .
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