Example sentences of "[noun prp] [was/were] [adv] give " in BNC.

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1 Gordon Middleton and Alan Hill were both given a conditional discharge .
2 As well as the presentation , Jean was also given a retirement night out by her friends a month or so before the actual date .
3 Following this , an Act of Parliament was passed to abolish the name of Ruthven and Huntingtower was then given its present name .
4 By a resolution passed by 305 votes to 36 , with 41 abstentions , Gorbachev was effectively given a free hand to dictate the process of economic reform by decree , to manage the state budget , and also to supervise law and order .
5 But he was almost canned again , this time because the director Larry Arrick thought Dustin was not giving enough of himself at rehearsals .
6 But , if this was the answer , Rafiq was not giving it all away at once .
7 Dr Jaffery was still giving lectures at the college , Fardine said .
8 That is one of the theories expressed by many why Hoddle was never given the freedom Gascoigne is now enjoying .
9 But at 30 Hick was not given the benefit of the doubt when lbw to a Cairns ball which had no more than a 50–50 chance of hitting the top of the leg stump .
10 A century later , however , MacArthur was still given credit in South Africa for his contribution to that country 's economy .
11 Suite and Primavera were both given at Witwatersrand University , Johannesburg , on 3 to 6 October 1945 ( six performances ) .
12 Mr Cohen , Mr Reed and Mr Wells were consequently given 18-month suspended sentences .
13 Mr Reynolds was also given information about the operation and what would happen to him afterwards so that he knew what to expect .
14 Mr Braley was also given a two-year sentence for the theft of four bearer share certificates .
15 In the test question with a calendar provided , the number of days in July was not given ; the success rates would probably have been higher had this information been given .
16 At its most blatant , posts which had once been the preserve of dons from Oxford or Cambridge were now given to businessmen .
17 Before he left for Lincoln College on 14 October '98 , Helen was peremptorily given a week 's notice by Mrs Andrews who had secretly been reading Edward 's letters and now accused Helen of ‘ illicit connexion ’ with him .
18 Mr Channon was soon given certainty .
19 Coughlin says in his book Hostage that Spiro was later given a new identity by the CIA and lived in California .
20 As good-luck would have it , he was in a stronger position than usual , because , as he mentioned with one of his quick smiles , the University of Bristol was about to give him an honorary degree , one of the fourteen that he was to accumulate .
21 Robinson was still giving him the low-down on life in Whitely when the key rattled in the door again and it opened to admit Rod Porter .
22 DURING the 1992 general election the people of the United Kingdom were not given a proper chance to make a decision about the Maastricht Treaty .
23 SOUTH Africa were yesterday given the all clear to enter the 1994 World Cup .
24 THE off-licence assistant who insisted he served Norman Lamont was dramatically given his job back last night .
25 Skinner was also given responsibility for liaising closely with the troika at the apex of Bush 's re-election campaign .
26 Di was also given potted shrimps , packs of Fishermen 's Friend lozenges , and a stick of rock each for William and Harry .
27 Mrs Rose was clearly given to understand that Crabb was still alive .
28 Not even the most dedicated tourist could have managed to complete Anna 's travel plan , although Nicolo was certainly giving it a determined try .
29 Luckily for England , Miandad was not given the opportunity to haunt them much longer .
30 A lecture at the Belfast Winterschool was also given by the Trust .
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