Example sentences of "[noun prp] [to-vb] down [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The decisive response by the Kennedy administration to a potential missile gap and the Sino-Soviet crisis were the two main factors forcing Moscow to scale down its claims .
2 The area around the Guest House where the body of Christine Campbell was found , hidden in a suitcase , is still the focus of police efforts in Swindon to track down her killer .
3 But it was opposed by Beijing since it required the Pol Pot group supported by China to lay down its arms .
4 It was the best time because not only were there so many cars , but they went slowly enough for Denise to write down their numbers and makes as Tony shouted them out .
5 I met him in the hall — ’ she explained , and was going on to warn Rob to tone down his exuberance when she saw Luke coming towards them .
6 Phillips to close down its European operations
7 Another set of problems at the level of institutional approval was created for the CNAA by the decision of the University of London to run down its external degrees , and the CNAA 's agreement to take up the reins where possible and appropriate .
8 It may be also be easier in these new circumstances for Greece and Turkey to wind down their long confrontation with each other .
9 Encouraged by their interpretations of each others ' dreams they set off against Humbaba to cut down his cedar forests .
10 SINN Fein today dismissed a demand from two senior MPs for the party to call on the IRA to lay down its arms in the wake of the Warrington bomb outrage .
11 In their first ever joint statement , the heads of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Ireland condemned the IRA 's actions as barbaric and inhuman , while in Dublin the Irish Senate heard an impassioned plea for the IRA to lay down its arms from the father of an Enniskillen bombing victim , Gordon Wilson .
12 When he urged the pieds noirs to give up integration , when he ordered the army to remain loyal , when he appealed to the FLN to lay down their arms and negotiate , he evoked not just the powers and responsibilities of his office but the confidence that they should have in the person of himself , General de Gaulle .
13 He looked at the tax disc on the windscreen and motioned Michael to wind down his window .
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