Example sentences of "[adv] most [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The former is published quarterly in the United Kingdom by the Library Association and its coverage includes not only most of the main social science journals but also serious weekly magazines , such as The Economist and New Society , and also The Times , the Guardian and other such popular publications ; the latter is an American publication covering everything from books to articles and reports on all sorts of economic and social affairs published worldwide in the English language .
2 At the beginning of the nineteenth century we find Lord Eldon sometimes keeping a case for ten years to think over , and not delivering judgement till perhaps most of the parties were dead and most of the property had gone in costs .
3 During the planting years , I have known personally most of the tree-farmers involved .
4 Turns out — and I learned this not through Miguel but our second guide who has n't said much most of the trip — that thkarni is the Indians ' name — well , one of their many names , to be precise — for you-know-what .
5 The quality of those crosses was nt up to much most of the time — but some credit has to go to their keeper who was taking everything within 12–13 yards of his line …
6 Naturally most of the boys opted for ‘ the strip ’ and each time the innuendo was made the girls pretended it was terribly witty and original , If a little naughty , just as they did when they were asked for the twentieth time if perhaps they might be the prize .
7 To cap it all most of the student body dressed to complement the period when the university was built .
8 So most of the 750 or so who have emerged victorious from their motel weekend over the last decade are condemned , like the Ancient Mariner , to spend their lives trailing around the country , telling their tale to uninterested local Conservative worthies in the hope they 'll be offered the honour of fighting the seat .
9 So most of the plants here flower simultaneously ; other sections of the border take over later .
10 Considerable investment in the Spanish coal industry is underway but even so most of the increased supplies needed to meet projected levels of demand , will have to be imported .
11 So most of the factories , or ‘ mills ’ , were placed in the central Pennines away from the limestone areas of the north and south .
12 Put the new shoot in the jar , close beside the old one , and after a day or so most of the aphids will have left the old shoot .
13 So most of the people who were having abortions were people who were having a child by some other man ?
14 So most of the electrons and antielectrons would have annihilated with each other to produce more photons , leaving only a few electrons left over .
15 But he checked every bit of my work of course and so most of the time do it by himself and let and me do other things .
16 So most of the time I 'm an exile .
17 That 's not going till one forty five and the one th er twenty five Manchester Victoria is not going till one thirty nine and the one twenty Manchester Airport is n't going till one twenty eight but there 's no big deal about any of that really so most of the trains are on time that you .
18 So most of the extra production represented an increase in output per worker .
19 Her story is filled with fascinating accounts of her daily observation , which reveal many extraordinary secrets of rhino behaviour : how they communicate by subtle changes in their breathing patterns , and how amicably they live together most of the time .
20 I mean , together most of the time .
21 By 1829 he had succeeded in bringing together most of the country 's cotton-spinners into the Grand General Union of Operative Cotton Spinners , and , although it had disappeared by 1831 , it was an important stage in the heightening of class-consciousness among certain groups of working people .
22 They feared that if their paintings were not all shown together most of the impact would be lost ; but to ensure that they were hung together , the rules of the Salon had to be modified .
23 After all , it 's patently obvious than we do n't get along together most of the time . ’
24 I 'm tied up at the hospital for a while each day , but we could be together most of the time .
25 We collect together most of the information erm in a single brochure which we call ‘ Services for Industry ’ .
26 The wood required for fencing the enclosures had further reduced the forest cover , ‘ and the tumults arising there from searching for cattle etc. ’ had ‘ frightened away most of the deer ’ .
27 The accommodationist vote proved to be largely imaginary , and radical new candidates swept away most of the old guard , to become mayors of most of the West Bank 's towns .
28 Divert anger into some activity where it will not hurt others : a walk or a run after work when you first get home will often blow away most of the daily stress .
29 Ann Butler was unwilling to admit that she had dozed away most of the afternoon by the fire .
30 But it was the piercing electromagnetic field forces and the solar wind that blew away most of the atmospheres consisting of the very lightest gases from the planets nearest to the sun , to leave them with dense cores of rock and metal , the outer gaseous planets being less affected in this way ( now we can see why the innermost planets of the solar system are solid , metallic and rocky , while the outer ones are icy and gaseous ) .
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