Example sentences of "[adv] off [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So off to the therapist , the new-age aquarian bubble bath and Christianity .
2 Jessamy scrambled in beside him , then let out a silent sigh of relief as the car moved swiftly off down the drive , leaving the house behind them .
3 I crossed the gravel and started idly off through the trees to the east .
4 You give a good firm aid that would have your youngster wandering gently off to the left and suddenly find yourself falling off the side because the old hand did a sharp left turn !
5 If the Government spends less than the budget says it would spend during the year , then it is obviously better off at the end of the year and can then spend more or repay borrowings or reduce taxes .
6 At the same time the first family could be no better off as every pound gained is deducted from income support .
7 Would Britain be better off as a theme park ?
8 But at the same time one can not help feeling that Proofs is the kind of story that would have been better off as a three-page essay in Granta .
9 If defectors stayed at home the intelligence world would be much better off as a result .
10 I do not accept either the Right-wing proposition that we need only to make the country better off as a whole without making any special effort in the inner cities . ’
11 First it is a game which creates wealth through the process of production exchange and all players in the game ( i.e. those supplying labour services , property and capital ) are better off as a result of it .
12 You will also have been earning a salary meanwhile , so you are likely to be considerably better off as a result .
13 There seems no prospect that screening for osteoporosis will meet the basic requirements for a screening programme — namely , that those offered screening must be better off as a result , that overall the screening programme must do more good than harm , and that screening must represent a better use of health care resources than other competing demands .
14 The reply by the minister was a direct echo of Mary Carpenter : ‘ The principle behind this provision in the bill is that parents should be required — if their means so permit — to pay for their child 's board and lodging , so that they are in no way better off as a result of the child 's being in care . ’
15 Witness the serried ranks of highly paid company chairmen who maintain , in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary , that the Eighties enriched us , that we are immeasurably better off as a result of the Thatcher experiment than we would have been without it .
16 SULTRY Najma Akhtar was voted most popular international artist in the UK Asian Pop Awards this week — but her mother STILL thinks she 'd be better off as a doctor or a chemical engineer .
17 On reflection , the catering industry may well be much better off as a result of the Government 's proposals for a self-regulatory approach , but it all depends at the end of the day on how well it gets its act together , using Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment systems to identify the problem areas .
18 Given that individuals undertake exchange voluntarily , it is presumed that they must thereby be no worse off and that at least one party to the exchange is better off as a result .
19 The Government 's claim that students are better off as a result of student loans simply is not true ; nor is it true that loans make up for the loss of income support and housing benefit .
20 Is it not better off as a hidden surprise to be discovered by the interested tourist ?
21 Instead of asking whether the owners of the enterprise will become better off as the result of the firm 's undertaking productive opportunities , the accountant asks whether society as a whole will become better off by undertaking this project rather than not undertaking it , or by undertaking instead any of a number of alternative projects .
22 Ironically , the hostel was charging so much in rent that while I did have to stay there , I was better off on the dole with the housing people picking up the bill than in cleaning work and having to pay it myself .
23 Bank Assistants can not afford to live on their current salaries and , as has been pointed out , a Bank assistant who also happens to be a bread winner would be better off on the Dole !
24 They 'd probably be better off on the erm soft going tonight , but erm in the past few results erm it 's been evenly balanced Peter , you know , but every trap 's won in the last two or three meetings .
25 They include Another Coral , 8lb better off for the seven lengths he was beaten by Tipping Tim in the Mackeson , Martin Pipe 's Milford Quay , the progressive Sacre d'Or and the 1989 Champion Hurdler Beech Road .
26 Perhaps he would have been better off with a pencil !
27 ‘ No one in particular , but I thought she 'd have been better off with a chap of her own age who would have wanted her to carry on where she was .
28 If , literally , all the time you can spare , is five minutes in the morning before you go to work , and a couple of hours in the evening when you come home , then you would probably be better off with a caged animal , such as a hamster or bird .
29 If the latter , we 're a lot better off with a restrained government than with a rampant one .
30 He had the audacity to suggest , during the 1983 general election , that the government might be better off with a modest majority , than with the landslide that Labour 's internal troubles seemed likely to produce .
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