Example sentences of "[adv] never have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The writer 's work is merely a kind of optical instrument which he offers to the reader to enable him to discern what , without this book , he would perhaps never have perceived in himself .
2 And even if the weather is passable , low level walks will take you to places you 'd perhaps never have tried if you 're one of the many walkers whose sights are normally set pretty firmly on the heights .
3 Here are two Anfield greats talking about something that would just never have happened before .
4 This made him easier to take home for the night ; people who would normally never have approached such a beauty felt that they could .
5 It was argued that if a proper socialist legal system existed in China these cases would probably never have happened , or if they did , there would be official channels of redress .
6 I do n't think it 's too much to say that erm , if they knew now what er , if they knew now what er , they know then what they know now , they 'd probably never have embarked upon er , upon the project .
7 Now Mrs Pearson was most kind to me over the sale of the house — indeed , but for her kindness I would probably never have got it .
8 So OK , he 'd probably never have married her if his hand had n't been forced , or at least not so quickly , but did n't some of his behaviour indicate that perhaps he was n't quite so averse to the situation as he pretended ?
9 Putting me and Billy together ten years back would probably never have occurred to them .
10 Had it not been for the adroitness and presence of mind of two reporters for the Empire News and Daily News respectively , Alfred Wells , butcher 's assistant , would probably never have taken the stand at Reading 's most famous coroner 's inquest .
11 If he had n't wanted to invest in the Rose Bowl he could simply never have suggested it …
12 You might as well never have existed . ’
13 She wore a wedding ring , but she could surely never have had any children of her own .
14 Sometimes when he was drunk , and sometimes when he was partly sober , he talked to the Rat of many things the boy would otherwise never have heard of .
15 He found that it opened a window on the City that he would otherwise never have had .
16 He was putting them on the game , women and young girls who would otherwise never have dreamt of doing it .
17 In many cases having the equipment in-house allows you to do other things that you might otherwise never have considered so saving even more .
18 Khaine is part of every Elf soul , a part they would rather never have to confront , but a part that they need .
19 ‘ He 'd certainly never have to ask you , that 's for sure .
20 Kronweiser would most certainly never have burnt the papers , even to cover up murder .
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