Example sentences of "[adv] though a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible therefore for the court to appoint a solicitor even though a guardian has been appointed .
2 It is important to remember that even though a test result would be ‘ negative ’ during the ‘ window ’ period , a person would be infectious at this stage , if they have HIV .
3 In A Room of One 's Own Virginia Woolf argues that even though a person 's gift for writing may be small , it is nevertheless death to hide it .
4 Even though a state of emergency was declared in Kenya that same month none of the family seemed particularly perturbed .
5 The second reason , less plausibly , is that they regard non-shareholder groups as having legitimate claims on the company and believe that these claims should be satisfied even though a reduction in shareholder wealth is involved .
6 Even though a patient aged 80 years will usually face a higher operative mortality and a shorter expectation of life than a patient aged 40 years , it does not follow that surgery is not worthwhile for the 80 year old .
7 Until recently , even though a man who had to give up his job to care for someone at home was eligible for invalid care allowance , a co-habitating or married woman who did the same , was not eligible .
8 Admittedly , imprinting was usually thought of as the process by which animals normally learn about the characteristics of their species , even though a reference was occasionally made to ‘ asexual imprinting ’ ( Aberle et al . ,
9 This word-superiority effect is clearly important for models of word recognition : any model would have to offer an account of why , even though a word target has four times as many letters as a single letter target , the word is easier to perceive .
10 For example , the number of unconnected words we can hold in immediate memory is about the same as the number of unrelated digits , even though a word contains much more information than a digit .
11 The standard meaning to be attributed to ‘ reasonable grounds for belief ’ is that if the decision-maker has some such grounds his decision will be upheld even though a court might differ .
12 Thousands of travellers are expected at the event , even though a court has refused it a music licence .
13 Yet they wriggled away , heading directly for water even though a rise in the ground had to be climbed in order to reach it .
14 Gay men and lesbians , unmarried partners , lovers and friends have no right to inherit anything , even though a relationship may have been longstanding and your true wishes generally known .
15 Pleadings close 14 days after service of defence , reply or defence to counterclaim , even though a request for further and better particulars is outstanding .
16 Paul Reynolds held off the challenge of John McPherson to put Drumaness ahead seven minutes from half time and even though a Dunmurry effort was cleared off the line it was Drumaness who squandered the scoring chances in the first half .
17 They never did find Nisodemus again , even though a party of strong-stomached nomes went back much later and searched through the ruts and the mud .
18 The fact that you have edited the school magazine does n't necessarily fit you to be an advertising writer , even though a feeling of familiarity with words is a good thing .
19 The Court of Appeal lifted it as a matter of principle , even though a hearing on the merits was set for the following day .
20 Bosses at Sunderland General Hospital denied being to blame — even though a report says the deaths were ‘ an outcome ’ of being refused admission .
21 But its decision to step back from examining the authority 's employment practices has disappointed several party members in the area , even though a report is being prepared by independent management consultants into the authority 's current and historic recruitment practices .
22 Its decision to step back from examining the authority 's employment methods has disappointed several party members in the area , even though a report is being prepared by independent management consultants into the authority 's current and historic recruitment practices .
23 She was shivering now , could not stop , even though a fire burned in the hearth .
24 And even though a win would turn the investment into millions , naturally I do n't want to commit that amount of finance entirely by myself . ’
25 The council is worried it counld be sued even though a tenant has removed the batteries and dies as a result .
26 Fortunately there was order , even though a bomb was heard to drop quite near .
27 Even though a plaintiff can not prove negligence , if the fire originated from a non-natural user of the defendant 's land , the Act of 1774 does not provide a defence and the defendant will be liable .
28 We were , however , grateful to receive a copy subsequently , even though a month had passed since the deadline for comments .
29 Under this system of economic production , even though a merchant class was able to find a niche for itself by providing loans and commodities for kings , princes and noble landowners , this class was largely excluded from control over the state , which was dominated by increasingly absolutist kings and their royal entourage of lords and nobles .
30 The Provos , he claimed , had reserves of munitions and were determined to keep going , even though a debate of sorts was going on within the Republican movement .
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