Example sentences of "[adv] have [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is the opportunity to reconsider two of the taken-for-granted assumptions that hitherto have shaped so much of our curriculum planning .
2 I hope regions/countries will continue to share these reports , as those who hitherto have done so have found the practice useful .
3 On the other hand , if I encounter a text which deals with an unfamiliar content area and does so in accordance. with communicative or rhetorical conventions which are new to me , then I obviously have to look much more closely at the language itself as a source of information as to what might be meant .
4 With particular regard to the interests of our client , other than taking an overview , we obviously have to look specifically at the southwest sector as a as a possible location .
5 You only have to do as many as you can .
6 You only have to ask once !
7 You only have to talk quietly , it comes out so well does n't it ?
8 In usual circumstances the Latvian match would have probably only have attracted around 5,000 loyal Northern Ireland supporters .
9 Now there 's no need to learn all of the tables erm er what I will do is if you want any more lessons I 'll do you some special tables cut down so you only have to learn about half the normal and then you 'll know them all cos if you know two sixes .
10 Again , throwing by hand , throwing stick or catapult , is only as accurate as our individual capabilities and means that we not only have to throw accurately , but also cast accurately — and we must do this in both instances every time we retrieve for another cast .
11 I know you only have to work so many Saturdays but because it 's sort of Christmas do they like everybody to work ?
12 In producing Supersense , the animal that I personally have become closest to is a European green-winged teal , which follows me everywhere .
13 Although ScotRail faced a barrage of bad publicity over the cycle ban in 1991 , and although some of the present restrictions remain irksome , on the whole I personally have had only good experiences when taking a cycle by rail within Scotland .
14 In the motorway service areas , Trusthouse Forte alone have invested over £80 million since they were allowed to purchase their leases .
15 The dinosaurs alone have commanded as much popular attention as the rest of the fossil animal kingdom combined .
16 If the Government 's record of managing the public services has been indifferent , the Tories and the Tories alone have acted bravely and imaginatively to achieve better public services by the only credible means — managing resources through private sector standards and disciplines .
17 All the fish have put on weight , the Pictus especially have grown about half-an-inch .
18 Economists at the World Bank and elsewhere have laboured hard and long to put international data on a sound footing and the ‘ Technical Notes ’ that follow the tables in the Reports are full of acknowledgements of the difficulties involved .
19 Those new French windows are favoured by Sir John Soane , the Regency architect , because they provide a cheerful effect , although he also complains that windows generally have become preposterously large .
20 Several of the subjects offered — American Studies and Sports Studies — are interdisciplinary , and generally have worked quite well .
21 Just have to go somewhere else . "
22 You just have to sit there and see what happens — and what happens is , on the whole , pretty gruesome : the sweat-plastered hair ; the nightie up round the armpits ; the chipped enamel bowl full of afterbirth — and all without the soft focus of a Pethedine injection .
23 It was a Sunday , I was so worried , I did n't know anything about , and I just have to sit there and we had to make conversation .
24 Just now and again when they do get , you know , just past you , you just have to say now look go or else I 'm going to call the police , and they go .
25 get damaged , I mean , you just have to keep bloody working on them , I
26 However , even if you fly something fully equipped , a quarter mill is still useful for the day when ( a ) you 're flying something more basic or ( b ) your electrics have packed up , you ca n't trust your instruments , the viz is a bit iffy and you just have to get home — but safely .
27 You just have to stand there .
28 The kittens know instinctively what to do , they just have to learn exactly how to do it skilfully .
29 The point on which I want to concentrate here is that during the last two centuries changes in the law and in employment policies progressively have excluded both the youngest and the oldest generations from the labour market , and therefore from the means to support themselves through earning wages .
30 Genesis meanwhile have netted more than £200 million with mainstream pop songs and sponsorship from major corporations .
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