Example sentences of "[adv] we [verb] only " in BNC.

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1 Hitherto we 'd only seen their faces and spoken with our hands .
2 Basically we 've only got ten .
3 So we 've only got one thing more to do for you .
4 I think she was a pest ; she sounds like a pest ; though admittedly we hear only Gustave 's side of the story .
5 Anyway we 've only got her word for the whole story .
6 Marx assumed that this portion is capitalist personal consumption , but this is a highly simplifying assumption that does not hold once we move only marginally away from the very highest level of abstraction at which he was working .
7 Back home we play only 11 first-class matches , so players come out spitting and firing every time in the knowledge that they will have three or four days off afterwards . ’
8 ALSO we 've only lost 3 and at least one of those was ‘ unfortunate ’ AND they were all clustered in the same period .
9 Cos clearly we 've only er reached something like five hundred , three thousand , four thousand er then it 's gon na be a a big jump to get to the five hundred and forty !
10 So far we 've only touched the basics and , although it 's essential in our view to provide this introduction to kite flying and simple DIY designs , now it is time to get into more advanced material for the modern kite .
11 So far we 've only got Roy Castle , David Hamilton , and Russell Grant ( why did n't he give us advance warning about last season ? )
12 So far we 've only had particular doctors using it to run it in , as it were , but in the very near future we hope that all of the doctors in the accident department will be using this system .
13 They seem delighted and although so far we have only had telephone contact , I feel sure they will be able to drive their ‘ new ’ acquisition for many years to come .
14 So far we have only considered pattern masks which consist of a random jumble of fragments of letters .
15 So far we have only considered diversification within a national market where the stock market and the shares listed therein are going to be affected by the same macro- and microeconomic forces and developments .
16 So far we have only considered enthalpies of chemical reactions .
17 Now we 've only done this one or two times .
18 Hello er , I 'm phoning on behalf of Mrs Ada er she 's got to come in for a scan on the fourth of February , nine o'clock , now we 've only just got back from the hospital today , cos she oh , she had to go today for one , yeah , and we 've just
19 But we 've only got a ti now we 've only got a tiny little lawn
20 Up till now we have only considered the potential uses of the various desktop publishing products but it is important to look at what can be done with the things that they produce .
21 Often we have only fragments of bones to build up a mental picture of the final complete skeleton .
22 Right , well we 've only got erm not much more than ten minutes left erm , I 'm ri I 'm well we 've got to be we 've got to be early for lunch so you 'll need to go
23 Well we 've only got one person to pay it
24 Well we 've only got binary decoders here so we have to cope we have to change something .
25 Well we 've only got
26 Well we 've only got two to get .
27 Well we 've only been to the dentist here .
28 Surprisingly few methods of achieving this basic necessity have withstood the test of commercial success and today we need only seriously consider two types of stepping motor .
29 Here we 've only got er what four minutes less than that remaining Leicester leading
30 The extent of losses from punishment of course depends on the form of punishment adopted ( we consider the question of the credibility of this punishment below , here we examine only its extent ) .
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