Example sentences of "[adv] had [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Alain apparently had several secretaries .
2 Not only had many esoterics died there ( and he did n't enjoy the proximity of death unless he 'd been its bringer ) , but the Retreat was a passing place between the Fifth Dominion and the other four , including , of course , the home from which he was in permanent exile .
3 So had several issues from the previous August when Lebanon 's football team under the captaincy of Pierre Gemayel , a Maronite Christian , had travelled to National Socialist Germany to attend the Olympic Games in Berlin .
4 Soon we were all jigging with mackerel feathers , V.I.P. 's included , and before long had several pails of twitching mackerel on deck .
5 At this stage he no longer had any Americans holding his hand .
6 The new company is called Tulloch Timber ( Nairn ) , but yesterday the operations director , Tony Mitchell , of Nairn , stressed that it no longer had any connections with the Tulloch Group , from which it had been purchased .
7 She realized she no longer had any doubts about this shabby metal cup .
8 He already had many clients from the world of showbusiness .
9 The couple already had several quotes for new windows when the rep arrived at their home and were determined to get a better deal .
10 By the time the polytechnics were formally designated ( the first provisional designation of eighteen polytechnics was announced in May 1968 and the designations continued into the early 1970s ) , the CNAA already had several years of experience of validation procedures , of evaluating the quality of courses and their institutional environments .
11 Got another day off work already had more days off work this year
12 I will be writing to the normal firms as usual , to get donations for the raffle , er now the other thing I 've got to report from is the stall , no before that the E C discussed applications by other organisations , now Sheffield and erm many other areas produce there own excellent publications , so I , I wrote of to Greater London Pensioner to Redbridge , to Senior Citizens in Sheffield , Anglian Pensioners , Grey Power and erm I , I 've sent letter 's to them and already had some copies back from Sheffield .
13 No-one is more aware of the weaknesses in the current XV than the Scotland utility back who will be playing at centre for the A XV this weekend , and he revealed that the club ‘ already had some irons in the fire ’ as regards to one or two new faces for next season .
14 But low hydrogen yields and poisoned catalysts soon had these systems grinding to a halt .
15 Despite Citrine 's attempt to settle this issue by firmly rejecting the proposal , this organisational option still had many advocates within the industry whose views were to surface in later years .
16 Julia noticed that Felicity looked towards her husband with an air of almost maternal concern , as though afraid of the effect of the conversation on him , and it struck Julia that he probably still had many relations in Russia .
17 They were generally about the size of a modern Ayrshire but otherwise still had many similarities with the wild aurochs in their shape , horns and the noticeable difference in size between male and female ( sexual dimorphism ) .
18 Although after Jutland Britain still had more ships than Germany , as the Kaiser remarked , ‘ The spell of Trafalgar has been broken . ’
19 I asked Stephen — one of the two hapless fathers and himself reduced to a mulberry-eyed basket case — if he still had enough marbles to drive me to the station at Orvieto .
20 Antonietta still had some questions for Elisa .
21 By Friday she had arranged everything to Rob 's satisfaction , although as she handed Luke his notes for the meeting in York she still had some reservations about his reaction to his brother 's methods of expressing gratitude .
22 1987 ) while managers still had few powers of discipline or reward .
23 So you know erm my brother was er as I said I was er four when my brother died then my mam gradually had more children afterwards until there was nine of us in the end left there .
24 She can still tell the police you were in that shooting and once they get you , you can forget you ever had any friends or were ever in the Army .
25 and said if they ever had any problems to get in touch .
26 Well , Tam has asked the question but answered it elsewhere , writing that Crossman 's ‘ sense of his own position in the elite of the nation never deserted him ’ , and that ‘ he seldom if ever had any doubts about his place at the very epicentre of the British Establishment ’ .
27 If the Government ever had any ideas about foreign and defence policy , they have run out of them .
28 All through this time he hardly had any painkillers as it was very important he did n't feel that he could use his leg before it was strong enough .
29 It was theatre practice to put dancers in dressing-rooms situated at the top of the building which was totally illogical as troupes always had more changes of costume than solo acts and less time to complete them .
30 Leonard 's mind was such that he always had several ironies in his fire at any one time , even when he was seeking to demythologise some of them !
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