Example sentences of "[adv] this be in " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps this was in the Collector 's mind as he lay there , silent and motionless now that the fever had left him and he was beginning to recover .
2 I know how keen many of our listeners are on craft shows and there 's a big 'un at Nottingham University at the Jessie Boot Conference Centre , Nottingham University on Friday and Saturday , November the twenty six and twenty seventh so this is in a couple of weeks time and giving you n advance notice .
3 In 1811 most mule spinners could earn only half of their peak earnings ; even so this was in most cases more than the earnings of fully employed weavers .
4 General de Gaulle wrote to Ho Chi Minh on 8 February 1966 , stressing that peace could only be restored by a return to non-intervention ; the United States was not named , but clearly this was in de Gaulle 's mind .
5 Now this is in his key messages , and towards the back , there are two pages , where he complains that many promises were made for the facilities management contract , and in particular , erm , he says it is still the case that work to take advantage of the development faci facility has not yet been identified , now I think this is the thing we spent a million pounds on it , and are not using it .
6 We had a job which was involved in loading up the day before this is in a big van , in the previous job I I had , er er a large van fu filling it full of a houseful of furniture in the afternoon , sp spending two or three hours taking it out of store , and we were asked to deliver it to an address in New Brighton .
7 Of this vast quantity of building which was achieved between 146 B.C. and A.D. 476 only a small fraction exists today and often this is in the best condition in the provinces of the Empire , despite the fact that the examples were generally less magnificent .
8 Originally this was in whatever form the manager thought best , flowers for the wife , gold pen with motto , etc .
9 Screws just at the front underneath here This was in a bad state cos er this was this was up like er like that .
10 Even this was in quite a congested area and from 25 October 1944 , the cars carried on , out of service to the Coombe Road crossover and reversed there .
11 Fortunately this was in a pilot survey and the warning was heeded in the survey proper .
12 He added : ‘ Maybe this was in a fit of pique when the relationship was down rather than up .
13 She 'd asked about dad any road , she said , course this is in the afternoon so she did n't then , only this trouble had n't started then about no money , you see .
14 Again this was in part a Kirk Douglas production and neither director John Frankenheimer nor Burt Lancaster appreciated Douglas trying to direct every scene himself , leading to arguments between the star-producer and the director .
15 Yet this was in part a reflection of the special conditions they faced .
16 Yet this was in fact a pseudo-problem because Catholics do not worship Mary , but honour her as mother of the Christ whom they do worship .
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