Example sentences of "[adv] are [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Orders for discovery rarely are made in criminal appeals and , when made , generally go , if not to the prosecution , then , as here , to a statutory body .
2 If the millions of pounds raised annually in this country for these people via television , telethon , etc. are spent in such a manner , this would surely see the start of a reversal of the present path on the dead-end road we seem to be following .
3 Crowds of shoppers below are sweltering in the summer heat .
4 The items below are included in the check list that appears at the end of this book .
5 ‘ They seed all over the place and have the morals of tom cats , so are found in every flower bed , skulking behind hedges , peering round gate posts , naturalising in any open space .
6 For molecules XAY , like OCS or CINO , the two stretching modes are of the same symmetry , and so are numbered in order of decreasing frequency .
7 The police have to work closely with Ayslebury magistrates , and so are qualified in their criticism .
8 Perhaps the most difficult matter will be to resolve differences between the professional regulations of bodies whose members may wish or be permitted to form MDPs or , in the absence of complete harmonisation , to prescribe effective means for dissolution of an MDP where the standards required by one body only are put in jeopardy .
9 The clinical details and follow up of the seven patients in whom the diagnosis was based on cytology alone are given in Table V. This group of patients all followed a clinical course suggestive of malignancy with progressive deterioration and death in two to six months from the time of discharge .
10 The ‘ key stages ’ referred to above are defined in section 3(3) .
11 With the exception of Evaluation , the categories listed above are arranged in the sequence in which they would occur in a typical oral narrative .
12 The GIMMS commands and line segment data described above are stored in a file called PMMLIB.GIMMSAF on the Nottingham University ICL 3900 computer system , as described in the preceding paragraph .
13 The results of a simulation based upon the model described above are shown in Figure 6.6 .
14 The staining procedures outlined above are described in Section 4.1.1 .
15 ‘ All of you seated here tonight are engaged in a great crusade , ’ the voice began .
16 Although the Schools generally are based in cities , it is intended that they cater for participants from the surrounding ‘ region ’ .
17 The ECP market is a convenient point at which to end the discussion of the current structure of the London market as many of the issues facing the London money market generally are exemplified in that particular market .
18 Traditional options were and still are offered in three forms :
19 Why this is so and hints on how to centre quickly are given in the newest edition of Gliding ( A & C Black ) .
20 Indeed , he may not mean that they ever are received in their simplicity .
21 These senior PR personnel attend many different kinds of meetings , write new business presentations , PR proposals and reports , and usually are seen in action during crisis PR situations and when major and important high-points in a campaign are happening .
22 Goalkeepers Steve Sherwood and Paul Reece have had injury problems this week both are included in the squad .
23 Most Japanese papers traditionally are made in this way , as are some printmaking papers .
24 Indeed , the three themes which become visible through historical material — reciprocity , maximizing resources , and timetabling — all clearly are interwoven in practice .
25 Third , Greeks in the fourth century and later are described in written sources and inscriptions as coming from Naukratis , which was the old port of trade between the Greeks , with their silver to sell , and the xenophobic Egyptians with their more stagnant economy — but a surplus of wheat .
26 Constant questioning and demands for attention , disruption of personal social life and lack of concern for their appearance and personal hygiene also are reported in the majority of cases , as is proneness to falls . ’
27 In the latter case profits accruing to a resident taxpayer from the sale of foreign immovable property are likely to arise in the country where that property is situated although both the contracts of purchase and sale thereof are made in the country of residence of the taxpayer : Liquidator , Rhodesia Metals Ltd. v. Commissioner of Taxes [ 1940 ] A.C. 774 .
28 As in Matthew , the isolated promise of the Spirit in the Mission Charge points beyond the resurrection to the days when they really are engaged in the mission .
29 The most influential of the elite studies was Floyd Hunter 's 1953 book on Atlanta Georgia , which asked those , such as journalists , group activists and businessmen , who might be expected to know how decisions really are made in the city , to name the most influential individuals within the community .
30 You lads really are sitting in the middle of a hornet 's nest . ’
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