Example sentences of "[adv] by [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Produce pieces of writing in which there is a rudimentary attempt to present simple subject matter in a structured way , eg by means of a title and paragraphs or verses ; in which sentence punctuation ( capital letters , full stops , question marks and exclamation marks ) is generally accurately used ; and in which there is some evidence of an ability to set out and punctuate any direct speech in a way that makes meaning clear to the reader .
2 The policy-making National Council of the PAICV announced after meeting on April 10-13 , 1990 , that the President would henceforth be elected by direct universal suffrage rather than as hitherto by deputies of the National People 's Assembly .
3 In the Collembola and Diplura all the antennal segments except the last contain intrinsic muscles , the antenna grows postembryonically by division of the terminal segment and Johnston 's organ ( p. 129 ) is absent .
4 Eric of Mallion , which forms a connection between those early pathfinders and the dogs we know better by virtue of their being crowned as champions .
5 and M.Litt. theses are supervised either entirely by members of the department or , where appropriate , jointly with the staff of another department ( e.g. Ecclesiastical History , Economic & Social History , Scottish History , Centre of African Studies , Centre of Canadian Studies ) .
6 We will begin by illustrating the simplest form of melodic construction , where the melody is formed entirely by repetitions of a small rhythmic cell ( Example 11 ) : Example 11 is the first half of the melody , modulating from E minor to G. Notice how the melody , though apparently continuous , falls into four phrases , forming two main sentences .
7 Rather , it is entirely by virtue of the sign in question that we distinguish a class of objects trees from other objects such as bushes , etc .
8 The descriptions can be generated almost endlessly by means of this productive view of the activity of writing .
9 They were unshaven or bearded , and dressed in leather and woollen breeches that were held together by scraps of hide with remnants of furs decorating their cloaks and the rims of their helms .
10 The latest episode in this story is that we have found that the proton and electron are made up of quarks held together by bonds of the order of 10 9 eV .
11 The stitched sections can be held together by strips of muslin or canvas called ‘ mull ’ or sometimes ‘ scrim ’ , with overlaps each side .
12 If your machine does n't knit double jacquard , the garment is just as nice made from two layers of Fair Isle in fine wool , bound together by strips of knitting to make it totally reversible with different colours each side if you wish .
13 In the structure of water the basic components or molecules exist in a free flowing state loosely bound together by forces of mutual attraction .
14 The Empire is a group of individual and independent states , joined together by ties of culture , language and common interests .
15 Few people are offended today , as they were in the last century , by the thought of man and the chimpanzee being classified together by virtue of a common ancestor which has been extinct for probably more than three million years !
16 At this stage , the translator need only be aware that there are different devices in different languages for creating ‘ texture ’ and that a text hangs together by virtue of the semantic and structural relationships that hold between its elements .
17 Tested together by observation of chosen pixels in a displayed image .
18 The tritocerebral lobes are joined together by means of the postoesophageal commissure which passes immediately behind the oesophagus .
19 Another way of putting this is to say that human linguistic thought is such that all particular thoughts ( whether expressed overtly or not ) can be constructed only in terms of ideas classified as either entities or properties , and put together by means of some combination of the four fundamental relations already alluded to .
20 Reference is constantly made to the president 's budget and the chief executive is held responsible for the consequences of budgetary policy , especially by members of the opposition party in Congress .
21 Social Integration of Incomers and Shetlanders is held to be the aim , and an achievable aim : achievable especially by dispersal of housing ( DDP : 28 ) .
22 Co-operation within a colony , especially by means of labour-dividing castes , is probably what ants are most famous for .
23 It is safe to say that thousands of social workers are at the moment carrying such cases among their caseloads and are working on them : in some cases very efficiently , in others perhaps hampered somewhat by lack of understanding of the implications .
24 Consequently , their partly decomposed forms — peat — can not contain much by way of those nutrients that are required by higher plant forms like roses .
25 If Soviet equipment is not always of an adequate standard , Western equipment is often over-sophisticated for Soviet purposes , demanding much by way of supporting technologies which in the USSR simply do not exist .
26 Dozens of scholars have tackled it , without achieving much by way of agreement .
27 The two women had not been able to help much by way of descriptions apart from recounting details of the horrific masks the burglars wore and that one appeared to be rather thin ( the one with the broken leg ) .
28 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
29 How Theda kept her countenance throughout the drive home she never knew , but somehow , perhaps by dint of dwelling on the attention paid her by Finchingfield and Tiverton , she managed to divert Rose from the dangerous topic of Lady Usk 's strange conduct .
30 Other PLO sources speculated that the assassinations might have been commissioned by the Israeli security service Mossad , perhaps by infiltration of the Abu Nidal group .
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