Example sentences of "[adv] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Better be polite to them , ’ advised Reid .
2 You are virtually on your own in defending them , so you had better be convinced of the case before you agree to them .
3 But you 'd better be quick about it ’ , and open .
4 Personal computer makers are likely to face continued pressure to keep prices low for the foreseeable future , former Compaq Computer Corp chief Rod Canion told Reuter in an interview : ‘ Anybody that wants to be successful in the computer business better be prepared to be very aggressive and have a lot of aggressive competition — in that environment , you can predict pricing pressure is not going to ease up ; ’ Canion , now chairman of the Houston-based consulting firm Insource Management Group , says that in his time at Compaq , customers were willing to pay a little more to ensure they got quality and performance but that as the market changed , they believed they could get quality , performance and low price , and now , ‘ that will never change . ’
5 She had better be careful of the road .
6 If they come looking for us with tusk and fang you 'd better be ready with that Winchester peashooter of yours . "
7 And when oversteer does come you 'd better be ready for it because it happens suddenly and rather messily .
8 So you better be ready for him , ’ said the dancing man .
9 Surely she could n't suddenly be afraid of being alone ?
10 The convention , which has been proposed by Greenpeace , would not so much be concerned with enforcement and punishment but " would be more a guidance framework to be introduced into the thinking of governments " , declared Richard Falk , professor of international law at Harvard University and one of the keynote speakers at the conference .
11 ( 1981 ) ; but it remains to explain why latent inhibition procedures should apparently be capable of producing overshadowing but not blocking .
12 Besides , many of the government 's constitutional ideas are remarkably similar to those of Mr Mandela 's African National Congress ( ANC ) : both would apparently be happy with universal suffrage , proportional representation , and an independent judiciary to enforce a bill of rights .
13 A conscientious manager who cares for his or her staff will rightly be concerned about not overloading subordinates .
14 Those who remember that membership of the Common Market was to be a bonanza , and who have seen Britain 's trade deficit with the Community rise inexorably , will rightly be sceptical of this idea .
15 In the UK we traditionally give grain based feeds but remember that these would not naturally be present in the feral horses ' diet .
16 Patients newly admitted to the hospital environment will naturally be anxious about keeping in touch with family , friends and work associates .
17 Firstly , during the negotiations the purchaser will naturally be concerned to be reassured as to what it saw at the outset as being the merits of the proposed acquisition .
18 ‘ She would naturally be concerned for the safe-keeping of her sons . ’
19 This would quite naturally be true of adjectives of colour , size , and weight , and of other adjectives expressing basic perceptual notions .
20 Newspaper profiles are quite likely to be based on interviews , which have an immediate attraction , though a reader will naturally be wary about how accurately the interview may have been recorded .
21 The new fact in the world 's history is that for the first time a great power with a formidable Navy , a population from which vast armies might be raised , and an economic and financial strength which might alone be decisive in any future conflict , is prepared to stake its own peace , not merely to guarantee its own interests , nor to further the partisan aims of its allies , but to make an end in the world of the possibility of prosperous aggression … . beyond the American continent her only interests are the open door to trade , freedom of the seas , and the maintenance of peace .
22 Many , many , of course , recognise this and do not show their gratitude with gifts , much and all as the staff might greatly be surprised by it .
23 You would obviously be involved in constructing their care plan ( see page 56 ) .
24 Opposition Members will obviously be disappointed at the Minister 's reply which is characterised by his usual laid-back approach to the matter .
25 Earlier induction of labour would obviously be preferable for a 40 year old primigravid woman with a long history of infertility , even after an uncomplicated pregnancy , whereas it may be inappropriate for a 25 year old multiparous woman .
26 He points to savings on rates — which can obviously be substantial in London — if one of the premises is kept empty , and other immediate gains from the cutting of staff in areas of duplication such as administration , accounts , quality control and training .
27 The generality of the ANLT system will obviously be ill-suited to certain aspects of any specific problem .
28 Cardboards and paper can obviously be useful for prolific artists or those travelling light !
29 Cardboards and paper can obviously be useful for prolific artists or those travelling light !
30 but would obviously be beneficial to them and
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