Example sentences of "[adv] that one [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was virtually impossible to say aloud that one welcomed the death of a fellow human being , but she believed that was how Ayling had felt .
2 ’ . Again Douglas ( 1966 : 138 ) has suggested there is a liaison which exists between the physical body and its use as an expression of the social , so that one becomes a paradigm for the other : ‘ the [ human ] body is a model which can stand for any bounded system …
3 If an adze was used , smaller trees might have been more practical so that one finished square might be one round long .
4 so that one goes to the right and this one goes to the left
5 With climbers , I 've always believed in the more the merrier , but it 's important to team up your plants so that one does not swamp and ruin another .
6 To use criminal statistics wisely necessitates some prior work in getting to know the difference between indictable and non-indictable offences and also some legal history so that one does not suddenly discover an enormous decrease in a crime such as stealing cars when the new offence of ‘ take and drive away ’ is introduced .
7 They assault the sense , savage the palate , ravage one 's innards and announce themselves in loud , pungent terms so that one gets wind of them long before one catches sight of them .
8 In scores of other towns , on the other hand , the market places have been partly built over , so that one gets a broad main street , a block of buildings down one side and behind that again a narrow street running parallel to the main street .
9 The approach is to choose two discount rates to apply to a project , so that one produces a positive NVP and the other a negative NPV .
10 The latter is meant for weaving and , if knitted , will make the garment twist so that one knits a parallelogram instead of a square .
11 Of course , one has to be careful in this context to recognise that many of the infractions I 'm referring to are not necessarily offences AGAINST others — but represent errors of performance , imperfections which reflect badly on the offender — so that one undertakes remedial work , NOT for the purpose of making amends but to re-draw the picture of oneself so that it corresponds more closely to the one which one would like to project to the world at large .
12 These little blocks are positioned along the length of the pickup so that one lies directly under each string — or at least they should in theory .
13 The third one up here , the small one , is a little bit sort of lost because it 's against er , this sort of cavity light here so that one tends to get a little bit lost .
14 In other cases , where rhythmic pulse is an important component of the accompaniment , the harmonic and rhythmic movements have to be fused together , so that one gives point to the other .
15 In the same schedule I accept Mrs suggestions for the school holidays and the rates that she gives so that one has seven thousand , eight hundred and fifty two pounds fifty times four which equals thirty one thousand , four hundred and ten pounds .
16 Well so that one 's got to go back to back to Cambridge then has n't it .
17 This causes massive expansion of air , and demonic winds churn up dust so that one seems to be walking on the bed of a murky sea .
18 19 Two " Road Works " marker lights have been set so that one flashes every 6 seconds , the other every 15 seconds .
19 It meant only that one had to stay inside the school and stroll through the grounds a couple of times .
20 Thus co-ordination is , in a sense , virtually always a derived relation or " para-relation " in that it can be theoretically discarded , provided only that one accepts multiple operation of the other relations .
21 It was when the laughter ceased altogether that one had to worry .
22 Because she has not been caught either , or not so blatantly that one has had to stop pretending to look the other way .
23 It is just that one learns to be careful , particularly if one is a writer .
24 It is just that one needs to be careful to interpret the segments according to the product strategy being employed .
25 ‘ It 's just that one has so much of importance on one 's mind just now . ’
26 It is not just that one supplements the Other : .
27 In contrast , in smaller and more informal gatherings such as house Masses , the power this can release has often been experienced so impressively that one wonders whether the new liturgy was not given to the Church prophetically , with a view to new circumstances which were to come , but which till now have been realized only unevenly .
28 It 's very rare if ever that one finds a continuing document of a place and people of a particular space maintained over that length of time .
29 The overriding problem is that unlike most criminal acts where one knows clearly that one has committed a crime , one can often only know one has published obscene or indecent material at the very end of a prosecution .
30 Should the ensuing insomnia mean dropping off during the day , then again you will be awakened , this time by real Hercules transport planes — Elveden Forest , being in East Anglia , is very close to numerous air-bases and so many jets scream overhead that one expects any minute to bump into a tight-lipped Kate Adie dressed in camouflage fatigues .
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