Example sentences of "[adv] that we have " in BNC.

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1 Mr Barnes replies : ‘ I can not stress enough that we have sought sheep to import into the UK that are able to move freely without any signs of stilted action .
2 Firstly , nobody , but nobody would want to levy charges until it was a last resort , but if the alternative to levying those charges were perhaps that we had to cut the staffing levels in those adult training centres , then you get a different answer to the question , and I had a meeting about four weeks ago with the heads of some of our centres who 've been asking parents and carers that question .
3 A second reason is perhaps that we have not obtained many of the much-trumpeted benefits that we were promised from the original Common Market .
4 It matters to me greatly that we have a reputation for taking these big issues and dealing with them with independence and rigour .
5 This motif was used on the air every day and we rang all possible changes on the ‘ we 're being done in by the big bogey-man ’ theme , so much so that we had some of our faithful old lady listeners actually in tears .
6 Large pieces of timber take some considerable time to come to equilibrium with the surrounding humidity and , because the English weather changes so often , there was generally no time to build up dangerous differences in swelling strains so that we had comparatively little trouble from this cause , so long as the aircraft were in this country .
7 This was well below our own dead slow speed so that we had to keep stopping , or steam in wide circles to hold our position astern .
8 So that we had a few tiles that we knew what their pattern and date was .
9 I would imagine the plaster wall have to be replaced cos there 's a lot of work that needs to be done on t we 've already had to deal with the plastering once , in fact we would n't have noticed cos we had n't seen it before but what happened is that the the frame of the hall particularly shrank so that we had gaps in between where the plastering was and where the wood was and we had to have a couple of men that we used for this , erm come in with lime plaster and fill in all the cracks for a week or two .
10 It was gon na take quite a while so erm we got the base five as quickly as possible so that we had as many hands on the job at once and er we had some formwork getting spare so we decided to make them useful and it 's a case of we 'd got six tanks to do and if we had a breakage we ca n't afford to stop the programme so as a er , a standby , just in case , we may never use these we might three or four uses out of but if we do have a breakage we want to be able to replace that straight away so have a spare set and you 've got nothing more to do and er get the walls , get the er , the back build operation right at the very end , ongoing , till you 've got the waterproofers in er get the waterproofing up to the five meter level and er get the back build in as quickly as possible .
11 Right , now we 've come I think to future events , erm , and we need to just try and list anything you know that 's coming up so , partly so that we 've actually got it down writing and we can look back on it .
12 So that we 've got a running organization that can react to things , and indeed proact as well .
13 As I say , we 're now , we shall now be working on the er , on a financial strategy , so that we 've got more detailed costings er , available to us , erm , but I think members will be interested to know that erm , within the next few months there will , we shall be taking part , er , as part of a wider national exercise , in an exercise undertaken by the District Audit Commission , on Children 's Services , so that we , I think we shall be in good stead , to have this as a base as a working document for that erm , Audit Commission exercise .
14 Now I 'm wondering how easy or whether there 's any mileage in actually having a report coming to our next committee , to actually build on that so that we 've actually got something to pull on figures to consider erm , and if , and it , it is going to detrimentally impact upon us to a greater or lesser extent , then , then obviously it 's helpful to me .
15 Well okay this morning what I 'd like to do in the half hour or so that we 've got before lunch is to talk about the skills we need when we actually come up here to deliver then this afternoon we 'll look at that feedback from the video and what you did and then we 'll move on to the skills of design , the preparation skills .
16 He says transport is very very cheap for firms and it 's been made cheaper by successive governments building more roads to help freight and also by raising the weight limits so that we 've got bigger and bigger lorries .
17 Can I just clarify , what , what you 're saying is that in a sense there is this overall aim of getting through to socialism but the means of getting there have now changed so that we 've gone from absolute egalitarianism , which is , is an immediate step tow towards socialism you 've gone away from that and the position is now to create a rich peasant economy in order to industrialize , in order to get through to collectivization , I E into socialism .
18 We 've had lectures in the biology area , in physics , in engineering and in chemistry , so that we 've really spanned the whole shooting match really as far as that goes , and of course we try to put something into these lectures for those doing the most advanced work in the sixth form and also for those doing O levels , let's say , and some who are younger even than that .
19 So that we 've got to get land in at something in the order of ten to fifteen thousand pounds an acre for residential development , and that obviously is hugely under the going rate .
20 The matchbox comes into action again , this time to melt the Spectra to the sleeve so that we have the two components fused as one , just as we described earlier .
21 Despite the fact that our genus has been around for some four million years , it is only in the past century or so that we have discovered the knack of using radio signals .
22 At this point it is likely that we may make a second mistake and go for a purely positivist view of law , the view that the nature of law can be appreciated purely by reciting the elements of positing and applying law without reference to its objectives or functions , so that we have a legal system as long as there are institutionalised ways of selecting mandatory rules and some arrangement for an authoritative application of those rules to particular situations .
23 There is an urgent need for getting out a newsletter — and finding ways of financing it — so that we have an organ of communication with each other .
24 So that we have , I mean nothing of design or anything just short information because I think it 's so
25 Assertiveness training is about extending and being flexible in our communication style so that we have more choices as to how we respond in different situations .
26 We may not ask for help by weeping , but our bodies may become helpless so that we have to be helped .
27 I tend to lead a sort of idiotic existence of trying to get involved in too many things and dashing about ; and this is going to be my problem — trying to sort of control myself and work out something so that we have a proper family life .
28 Yeah but I think what w Jane is going to do is invite somebody from N Y T E C to join us later , so that we have chance to get our act together
29 Would not it be easy to accede to the commissioner 's request to change the three points in the regulation which the Commission says are defective and deal with Crown immune areas , reduce the latitude given to authorities and ensure that environmental assessments are recorded in writing so that we have proper regulations and proper environmental impact assessments ?
30 The Labour party wants application procedures to be speeded up so that we have a proper , fair and effective system that ensures that this country continues its long honourable tradition of providing asylum for refugees .
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