Example sentences of "[adv] that [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Adam sat at his usual lunchtime table in the Savoy Grill the one discreetly opposite the main entrance , so that without seeming to do so , he saw everyone who entered the restaurant .
2 Then , after having taken the most daring steps forward he sometimes retreats a few paces , so that on comparing two paintings close in date the earlier example often seems more advanced and developed .
3 With a Newtonian reflector , therefore , the observer looks into the tube rather than up it , so that for pointing to a planet or a star it is usually helpful to have a small refracting telescope mounted on to the side of the tube to act as a finder .
4 The ion exchange resin beads have the ability to exchange sodium ions held on the resin , for the calcium and magnesium dissolved in the water , so that after passing through the resin bed the water contains non hardness forming sodium slats , the calcium and magnesium having been removed and held on the resin .
5 Wordsworth 's power as a poet is seen in what he can do with such material , so that after reading Stepping Westward these commonplaces , while retaining universality , are made new for us .
6 An actual baby had awakened the baby inside herself ; she wanted less to be a mother than to have a baby , so that by feeding him she could in some way nourish herself .
7 Even when all intended partners of the new firm have indicated assent it will still be necessary to establish some order of seniority and to select the first senior partner : though joint senior partners are not unknown , the better arrangement may be for some restriction to be put upon the time that office is held by any one individual so that by rotating it between the participating firms a reasonable balance is achieved .
8 Can the tape be structured so that by reading serially through the file it would be simple to produce a text stream suitable for an automatic typesetting process :
9 By the next field , the river curved in almost a right-angle so that by running diagonally across , they were able to cross the road and approach a place where , at the far side of the bridge , the ground shelved gently down to the water .
10 The Red Rose and the Rosa Mundi commonly grow from three to four feet high , but seldom exceed that ; but the Damask , Provence and Frankfurt Roses grow to the height of seven or eight feet , so that in planting them , great care should be taken to place their several kinds , according to their various growth , amongst other shrubs , that they may appear beautiful to the eye .
11 So that in wriggling through the mud and weed
12 However the realities of the clinical area impose constraints on both methods and resources , so that in achieving a satisfactory compromise between the ideal and what is possible the teacher may find her imagination and ingenuity tested to the full .
13 But Stanislavskian actors are nevertheless concerned in rehearsal and other preparation time with tapping their own reservoirs of emotional memories to find within themselves a sophistication , subtlety or depth of emotional engagement so that in concentrating on the character 's actions , a wider , deeper range of emotions may be released .
14 They believe that it is possible for man , and that it is indeed his highest intellectual and emotional task , to survey his own being , to call into the forefront of his mind every attitude and habit of mind , of emotion , of passion and feeling , to penetrate down beneath these superficial layers , to deeper and deeper and ever more tranquil , untroubled generalized forms of the self , until eventually you come within sight of some inner absolutely undisturbed pool which every person has within himself , and which if he finds it removes him finally from the distracting passions of ordinary life , and with this rider , that in proportion as you get there and find this thing , this true self within yourself , you find that it is n't just something subjective and peculiar to you , it is something identical with the world , so that in solving your own problems in one sense , you do it by transcending your ordinary nature .
15 For instance , sugar came in huge blocks , so that before weighing it out , sufficient must be chipped off with a knife ; and black treacle must be ladled out spoonful by spoonful into the customer 's jar .
16 It is only that by doing so , the accounts are reflecting the economic reality more closely .
17 Elena knew instinctively that by building up a separate cult of herself — in many ways more spurious and grotesque than anything created for her husband — she was laying the foundations for her own take-over in the event of Nicolae 's death .
18 France 's Carrefour did just that by setting up a hard-discount subsidiary , Erteco , in the mid-1980s .
19 ‘ Social services would n't dream of institutionalising a child at six , yet in this country parents do just that by sending many boys of that age to prep school . ’
20 And she set out to do just that by making the little budgie one of Britain 's most popular pets .
21 Mr Stark reckons that an emerging generation of academics , disillusioned by the arcane teachings of their forebears , is starting to do just that by tackling many of the dilemmas managers face each day — those which business ethicists have previously side-stepped .
22 ‘ One of the things we have been working on is getting men back behind the ball , ’ he said and when Stanger did just that in retrieving a kick-ahead from Nadroga , Nicol , Appleson ( twice ) and Turnbull , too , made sure the winger was not in isolation , for Ian Corcoran to boot on delicately and claim a grand try , Appleson converting .
23 ‘ One of the things we have been working on is getting men back behind the ball , ’ he said and when Stanger did just that in retrieving a kick-ahead from Nadroga , Nicol , Appleson ( twice ) and Turnbull , too , made sure the winger was not in isolation , for Ian Corcoran to boot on delicately and claim a grand try , Appleson converting .
24 If the Secretary of State regards protecting the British coal industry and , therefore , the nation from the fluctuation in world prices as rigging the market , will he explain why he has done exactly that by rigging the market for nuclear electricity in this country ?
25 But EMAP said yesterday that by cutting overheads , it expected them to be profitable this year .
26 It did n't occur to him until he was travelling home that in learning the truth he had also acquired the means of getting his revenge .
27 This serves somewhat to clarify a point not made explicitly by Kant , but clearly intended , namely that in universalising one 's maxim , one must purge it not only of the word ‘ I ’ understood as referring to one 's own particular self , but of proper names , and so forth , referring to one 's particular acquaintances .
28 The significance of this case is not only that the House of Lords effectively over-ruled the majority decision in Candler but also that in doing this the judgment went beyond Lord Denning 's minority judgment .
29 The best known of such a transformation is probably that for turning Celsius temperature into Fahrenheit where F=32+9/70C , or , for another example , a conversion formula for turning imperial weights into metric ones .
30 The following day the dress rehearsal went so smoothly that after giving out his notes — the pause at the end of the third act , before Olwyn opened the cigarette box for the second time , was a whisker too long , and her response to Robert 's line to the effect that she 'd fabricated the person she loved a touch too quick — ; Meredith declared enough was enough .
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