Example sentences of "[adv] i think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you really want a cigarette very badly I think on the whole I should prefer you to have one , ’ Ivy told him .
2 I think of people , grand old British artists , like Turner for example , going on grand tours and coming back to Britain and going through , as it were , a period of painting where he is influenced by what he 's seen and heard and experienced in Europe , and then more latterly I think of France as being , Paris as being the centre of art and British artists going and spending their period in Paris and coming back and going through an impressionist or an expressionist phase .
3 replied the doctor in his delightful Scottish accent ( and rather I think with a lovely Highland lilt to it ) .
4 Haply I think on thee , and then my state , like to the lark at break of day arising from sun and earth , sings hymns at Heaven 's gate : for thy sweet love remember 'd such wealth brings , that then I scorn to change my state with kings . ’
5 Others have a bit of a tough time especially I think with ladies
6 But that 's suggestive enough I think to s That 's probably what 's causing your breathless even if you do n't notice it and you 're compensating .
7 just pinch her hand , give her a firm handshake because you 've got about ninety seconds in which to make your first impression and of the ninety seconds about ninety five percent of that time is made through visual images and that can be your dress sense , the way you carry yourself , present yourself , erm body language , do n't invade his personal space , only I think about erm I think about twelve , twelve seconds off of ninety seconds , or there thereabouts is spent on what you say .
8 Obviously I think about it , every East German has at some time thought about it , or still does .
9 So I think about a hundred and fifty pounds
10 So I think for this run I 'd better press on with the book . ’
11 So I think for the time being , if you allow us , we will find out which tables we want and then we will fund raise for them and get the money for them , okay .
12 So I think for next week I 'd like to be looking in some detail , there are two sources on this one is , is and the other is , tho those two are crucial in terms of understanding or , and and that those are crucial in terms of understanding erm why this policy document .
13 ‘ I hope I do not disturb you by telephoning you ; I find out you live in London from Piers , and so I think to myself that I will phone . ’
14 Now I would say to sa say that that is almost a bit like the story of the boy crying that he did n't have many holidays because he did n't go to school and that because Harrogate 's er unemployment is so low or has been historically so low compared with other areas , a relatively small increase in the number of unemployment has an enormous increase as compared with what it 's been in the past and so the same number of people living in Harrogate who lose their jobs has an impact on the unemployment figures as perceived locally greater than a similar number of people losing their jobs in Leeds or Selby or somewhere else , and so I think to some extent this the rhetoric has outrun the reality on that point .
15 This authority is taking a somewhat different view to that public inquiry than the erm the highways authority er after shire hill er erm so I I think if we were to take a decision tonight it could affect our position at the public inquiry adversely er and I would not want us to get into that situation so I think to some extent er councillor timing on this motions is wrong and we should n't be be er discussing it now .
16 I doubt if that is so I think to some extent we may be in what we are saying and doing , feeding the current which says that nobody in national politics could conceivably be honest or decent or competent in any way whatsoever , that to be a Member of the House of Commons or to be a Member of the Government is somehow to have the mark of put upon them .
17 So I think to some extent what one needs to do is to try and get at the governments , rather that at individual timber producers .
18 So I think in academic work , we must begin to read across television programmes .
19 So I think in terms o of this particular erm procedure , we 're okay .
20 Erm so I think in the m er in the lit in the middle of it you actually lost some of it , erm and then you came back to the , to the referrals erm tt so that was that .
21 so I think in a way it would be quite nice to sit down with somebody from each of the colleges to hammer out the syllabus because Napier will see it from Napier 's point of view about what 's easiest for them to teach and what this and what the other whereas I suspect if you also sat down with and and people you might get a broader discussion base
22 So there is a flow of American source in , but less I think in terms of building a new factory on green field , a green site , and more of erm , buying an existing operation
23 The season could have really slipped away I think with a defeat today , but erm still keeps the season a little bit bright .
24 Somehow I think of you as … well , as a mother , I suppose .
25 The WEA takes its pattern partly from the history of the movement but quite largely I think from the county in which it is implanted .
26 The more I think on it the more I see that this cruel sentence may yet be turned to advantage and may be God 's way of effecting what I most desire and have been unable to bring about .
27 So she began with praise : — the more I think on it Ellen the more beholden I am to you for how you have cared for Oreste and the more fortunate .
28 In fact , the more I think about it , few people have any self-control at all !
29 The more I think about it the more I am amazed that men are so sanguine about this food-for-sex thing .
30 The more I think about it , the more I veer to the conclusion that it was all a fantasy .
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