Example sentences of "[adv] i know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As I watched her turn and bend and lie back , oiled and tanned , her supple contours powered by a madness only I knew about , the idea that Karen ‘ was n't my type ’ seemed a quaint irrelevance .
2 Only I know of the old door hidden behind a crumbling shed .
3 I know it , of course — more accurately I know of it .
4 ‘ I ca n't live like that — not now I know for sure .
5 And there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called bromeliads and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and the world is full of things like that and now I know about them and I 'm never ever going to be able to see them and then you , ’ she gulped for breath , ‘ want me to come and live with you in a hole and wash your socks ! ’
6 And now I know from first-hand experience it 's the wrong approach .
7 Now I know from past experience , that creating that mailing list is going to take approximately sixteen hours of my time .
8 For now we see through a glass , darkly : but then face to face : now I know in part ; but then I shall know even as also I am known . ’ '
9 Now I know in the original draft nature conservation interest was mentioned and er I 'd like to hear from North Yorkshire why that factor is taken out of the policy .
10 Now I know in some of the newspapers today it 's been suggested that you would be doing sort of long distance surgery as it were , but that 's not the case ?
11 Now I knew of no better , and Alan should 've known better because he 'd done a lot more removals than I had and he said Oh you 're alright Neal , do n't worry .
12 Well I know about that
13 Oh , the same what I says I do n't know what they 're on about , they 're on about garlic , well I know about garlic
14 Well I know at district council there was two environmental groups , was it the officers group and the members group .
15 Well I know with Arnold and Antony is Arnold 's not so bad cos he uses his quite a bit er but the tendency with Antony is , when the bill comes in each month th the rental is double what the usage is most of the time .
16 Well I know with two ladies th their daughters wanted to , them to go the house and they would n't .
17 The second point is that I 've , the Americans I , I , it 's one of the promises about street life in second from the bottom , two weeks in the winter , four weeks in the summer , well I know to my cost erm through my ear being blasted which is why you 're a County Councillor anyway , that it 's been six weeks at the present time , we 've had a lot of lights going down , okay we 're trying to improve it , we had people walking into cars , er , er a few burglaries which I 'm pleased to say the police have helped out in , but if we 're going to change and get it down from a level of six weeks to two weeks as it is in the area I represent , is that not a question of putting extra resources in it and there 's no good putting promises unless we can deliver .
18 Well I know in one terrace alone in Street , Street used to have three big bonfires in this two hundred yards and I 've known one terrace , Terrace to have as many as twenty mattresses you know piled on the street ready for , and the big lad the bigger lads used to , to get the props get somebody 's prop and stoke the fire up and put the mattresses on .
19 I know it 's not true , I know it 's not , well I know from whom I 'm can think it 's not true I know it 's not .
20 Of course you can well I knew of a girl who married I would n't say she 'd married well when she started out but her husband was enterprising e eventually got himself quite a good job at the at people who print the bank notes so so that they they started off in a prefab and they ended up with a new four bedroom bungalow with central heating at Athorpe Roding .
21 Even I know about them , ’ she said .
22 Even I knew about the CS , which had been set up the year before in the wake of a couple of real humdinger scandals in the Square Mile .
23 Even then I knew in a way that despair underlay my behaviour , but I would n't have been able to take the consequences of its admission .
24 Yet I know of no picture in which the mid-day heat of Midsummer is so admirably expressed ; and were not the eye refreshed by the shade thrown over a great part of the foreground by some young trees , that border the road , and the cool blue of water near it , one would wish , in looking at it , for a parasol , as Fuseli wished for an umbrella when standing before one of Constable 's showers .
25 In the 14 years since 1978 , during which I have been the only consultant physician in respiratory medicine in West Cumbria , there should , according to the above statistics , have been at least 70 deaths from asthma and yet I know of very few , having personal knowledge of only three .
26 The metope is the earliest I know in monumental art , but the splendid little cup with Theseus and Sinis ( fig. 99 ) anticipates it .
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