Example sentences of "[adv] was go to " in BNC.

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1 Originally , the Sandie Shaw A-side was going to be ‘ I Do n't Owe You Anything ’ but the revived freshness of ‘ Hand In Glove ’ virtually powered its way onto the A-side .
2 It always was going to be a mad situation , though , as long as the Government carried on taking the coward 's way out by leaving it to the judges in Luxembourg or the Eurocrats in Brussels to sort things out for them .
3 I thought it probably was going to be .
4 To lose her now was going to be ten times worse than when she had left her at the Foundling Hospital , and she was making herself ill with worry .
5 It really was going to be quite a race .
6 would try and get a lot more searching questions about how the curriculum was being developed in the school , what exactly was happening , what really was going to be the attitude of the Head to RBL in the future …
7 Now that the two main parts had been recast , there really was going to be a lot to do , and the company waved goodbye to their hopes of a cushy fortnight .
8 When Flavia remembered that tomorrow was going to be her essay day she ran up to the tower to fetch some essential-books which she set out with grim awareness on the dining-room table at the villa .
9 Perhaps today was going to be all right after all .
10 Their first encounter today was going to be a tense and difficult one .
11 If what Robert had seen , to date , of the school 's cricket was anything to go by , today was going to be an exhausting experience .
12 The Judge held the air of someone very world-weary , and this was accurate to some extent , as he had just re-read the case notes , and sensed today was going to be another long day .
13 And I was determined that everywhere although not absolutely superbly glittering , everywhere was going to be tidy before I left .
14 In November 1985 , when he had heard there was going to be another Israeli shipment to Iran , he called North .
15 There 'd been neither sight nor sound of James since that fateful day and no doubt he had forgotten her as quickly as he had taken her , but he must be told there was going to be a child .
16 Closing her mind to her mother was a survival skill Dorothy had learned many years ago when she realised that if she did n't look after her , no-one else was going to .
17 I asked the probation department if they could arrange a visit as it did n't look like anyone else was going to .
18 Er one of my worst experiences actually was going to school and found that when we walk when I went into the classroom there was only me and two other children .
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