Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The choice is upstream to Broomhill Bridge ( 1 mile ) or downstream to Grantown-on-Spey ( 3 miles ) .
2 The conditions were that he resides at Handley Green , Laindon , reports daily to Laindon police station and does not enter Clacton .
3 DEPARTURES BRITISH Airways ( 081-897 4000 ) flies daily to Hong Kong , apex return £468 ( Dec ) , £408 ( Jan ) .
4 ‘ Why ca n't someone on the Left ever do something like that ? ’ he remarked admiringly to Anthony Powell in 1941 , when he heard Waugh had joined a commando unit .
5 The fact that it is at least possible that Molla Yegan and Fahreddin Acemi held office contemporaneously for part of their respective appointments is of some help in trying to establish the identity of de la Broquière 's " grand caliph " ; for although Molla Yegan should have been Mufti in 1433 if his Muftilik and that of Fahreddin Acemi are viewed as successive rather than contemporaneous , de la Broquière 's statement applies rather better to Fahreddin Acemi than to Molla Yegan for several reasons .
6 Lastly to Ruth Gray 's letter .
7 Mosley 's later fascist ideas on government owed much to Lloyd George 's wartime reforms of the administrative structure , even if they had been devised in a democratic framework .
8 There is no doubt that he owed much to Peter Collinson for various introductions and was especially grateful for one who assisted with his son William 's career .
9 The event opens with some of his more recent ‘ topiary ’ interpretations of the Minster , where the whole is dominated by a very powerful interpretation of the Crucifixion that owes much to Matthias Grunewald ( 1475/801528 ) the Mathis der Maler of Hindemith 's opera .
10 could be extremely severe , but some horseplay , and the occasional illicit disc was put on the record-player , much to Herr Hocher 's annoyance .
11 Much to William Pitt 's disgust Cator sold the bond by public auction to a solicitor called Yates .
12 Mr de Klerk began : ‘ I say thank you very much to Mitchells Plain .
13 I 'll say thanks very much to Councillor Stuart Argyle for coming in our thanks as well to David Poole for joining us on the phone thanks David .
14 Much to Dudley Moore 's surprise , I pull out a small shiny silver pistol and blast him right between the eyes .
15 This was the policy the British intended to pursue at Chicago , much to US chagrin .
16 Such a definition may appear at first sight not to add much to Lord Macnaghten 's .
17 On balance , the Cruise missile demonstrations embarrassed the left , and turned much to Mrs Thatcher 's advantage .
18 This initiative owes much to Belle Tutaev who , while pioneering for an expansion of state-financed nursery education , suggested that mothers might like to establish their own ‘ playgroups ’ .
19 ( These arguments owe much to Perry Anderson 's location of the tripartite enabling conditions of the Modern movement as : a decrepit academicism ; the presence of new technologies ; and ‘ the imaginative proximity of social revolution ’ . )
20 I developed a sore hamstring but still ran the relay in which we were disqualified , much to Frank Dick 's very obvious disgust .
21 The papal camera or treasury owed much to Pope Urban II ( 1088 – 1099 ) , who , as a former monk of Cluny , had experience of one of the most advanced organizations of Europe and really established the papal chamber .
22 Immediately after the ceremony the castles of the Norman Vexin were handed over — much to King Louis 's chagrin .
23 Its dynamism and success in its early stages owed much to Derek Morrell , a civil servant in the effective reforming tradition of Morant , who died in 1969 with his life 's work sadly incomplete .
24 Yet it may also owe much to John Stuart Mill , to the decline of religious discipline , or to the invention of cheap and efficient contraceptives .
25 Browne 's radicalism owed much to Havelock Ellis ' writings on sex psychology .
26 As it happened , the rift between Dorothy and her brother and his wife did not last long , much to Miss Fogerty 's relief .
27 The fact that there was — much to Downing Street 's fury , speaks volumes as to the unco-ordination of this Government .
28 It was , much to Francis Thomas ' consternation , a question of building first , seeking permission later .
29 These include a most valuable Consultation Paper ( No. 120 ) published last year by the Law Commission ‘ Restitution of Payments Made Under a Mistake of Law , ’ for which we owe much to Mr. Jack Beatson and also , I understand , to Dr. Sue Arrowsmith ; and a series of articles by academic lawyers of distinction working in the field of restitution .
30 Zimbabwe 's second innings began badly when Grant Flower was leg-before to Manoj Prabhakar 's fourth delivery with only two runs on the board .
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