Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Israel used the Gazans as a reservoir of cheap labour ; 30,000 travelled daily to Israel to work .
2 Take an active part in group discussion , displaying sensitivity , listening critically , eg to attempts to persuade , and being self-critical .
3 Only Korea was close enough to Japan to command a formal relationship of any significance , but this , too , was virtually halted during the Tokugawa period , when the kingdom of Korea , like Japan , adopted a seclusion policy .
4 Another roundshot went close enough to Sharpe to sound like a sudden harsh whip-cracking wind .
5 If a fish was receptive enough to electricity to pick up any tiny currents induced in its body , they would provide an additional guide to the Earth 's magnetic field .
6 I say she 's close enough to Gittel to satisfy me . ’
7 Surrounded by breathing , close enough to neighbours to touch knees .
8 But if he and the club feel he is close enough to soundness to allow him to travel and let us decide , we will do that .
9 He showed that it was harmless to white blood cells , which are a principal defence against invading microbes , and he and Craddock administered enough to animals to discover that it was remarkably innocuous .
10 So to attempt to prove the existence of telepathy by the analysis of data acquired by sensory perception will always leave room for doubt .
11 Section 7 , on its wording , applies only to agreements to sell .
12 How long Penda remained in the territory of the northern Angles is unknown but he probably returned swiftly to Mercia to secure himself as king .
13 To read We is constantly to hive to rethink the issue .
14 There was no alternative for Gould but to suppress the 20 plates he had published , refund his subscribers , and go straightaway to Australia to find out what they looked like .
15 Gloucester City Council says that it usually responds straight away to requests to repair smoke alarms in it 's properties , but an investigation has now been launched to see if there 's been a break down in communications .
16 Tom ran away to sea to start a new life , under a new name , in America .
17 And you need n't be going just to America to cash in on the two dollar £ .
18 Only just to needs to know what goes into
19 With their faith rooted in Jewish law , the Christadelphians had a long-standing interest in cooperative ventures , contributing generously to attempts to re-establish the Jewish people in Palestine .
20 Near it were two smaller barges , being made ready to make the short journey upriver to Edfu to collect another load of sandstone .
21 Some of these reservations about juries were shared by other officials , but the local bar would have objected strenuously to attempts to abolish or restrict the jury system .
22 If there is no-one close to home to talk to , or if you want to talk to an independent person about your worries , you could telephone ChildLine or Barnardo 's .
23 In practice , however , the majority of employers that have equalised upwards ( i.e. instead of reducing the retirement age for men ) are at this stage allowing women the option to take their pension early without reductions , instead of obliging those already close to retirement to prolong their working life .
24 Back in the Jaguar with Olwen , they motored north up the M6 , turning off close to Lancaster to make their way up a private road to a grey stone castle at the top of the hill , overlooking the beautiful valley of the River Lune .
25 Despite his tender years the ‘ Bart Man ’ is already on Taylor 's short list as he flew out yesterday to Oslo to watch World Cup opponents Norway .
26 Michael Young came specially to Banbury to talk about the age of transfer , and many things besides .
27 This was their new production , and an electric charge went through them , intensely fuelled amongst the younger members because they had heard that Hans Kramer , the Viennese operatic agent , was coming specially to Hochhauser to see Therese .
28 Some mountain farmers were looking more and more to tourism to provide the extra income necessary to allow them to continue living on their farms .
29 She was going home to England to take up the threads of her life and forget Alain and her time in France .
30 ‘ He was convinced you 'd only gone home to England to break the news to your family , then you were coming back to marry him .
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