Example sentences of "[adv] is [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 Our success in attracting more investment from the United States than has been attracted by all the countries of western Europe put together is proof that we have created a more attractive climate for investment than anywhere else in Europe .
2 So are Helsinki and Leningrad , and so is Manhattan that sparkled in the dust like a wet finger dipped into the caster sugar of electricity .
3 So is software that can read and write standard-conformant data .
4 Right now what I shall do before you go any further is divide that at the side here , what those and minutes are as decimals of an hour
5 Here is music that is indefinably ridiculous , sentimental and full of stone age sexual politics , yet it is also deeply moving and irresistibly thrilling .
6 Of course there was still some opportunity for children to earn money while they were at school , and where those opportunities were taken there is evidence that parents considered this as part of the household income and expected it to be handed over ( Jamieson , 1986 ) .
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