Example sentences of "[adv] it should [be] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , any company intent on controlling expenditure should be examining how much it should be laying off risk in this way when , as Drew Hardie , divisional director of Willis Corroon in Edinburgh , points out , ‘ insurance is a cost-plus product with a substantial proportion of premiums — say , 30 per cent or 40 per cent — used by insurers to meet their own overheads ’ .
2 These provisions , of which only the barest summary has been given here , were very complex and , together with the inevitable uncertainty as to when compensation would be paid and how much it should be , resulted in a general feeling of uncertainty and discontent which did not augur well for the scheme .
3 I think , I think it should all be , you know , basically it should be done from
4 There are clear guidelines in the code on the manner in which information should be added to computer systems , how long it should be kept on the system and the security measures that should be taken to prevent unauthorised access .
5 Naturally it should be clean and unrumpled and worn with a clean shirt and shoes .
6 One of the most popular demands of ‘ boy labour ’ and other sympathetic reformers , or perhaps it should be described as an aspiration , for that is what it was , referred to the creation of ‘ a satisfactory race of citizens ’ .
7 Perhaps it should be .
8 His agent , Giles Gordon of Sheil Land , had reacted to the sight of the manuscript with alarm , but was won around by reading it : ‘ He said that perhaps it should be cut a bit , but that we should aim to keep it to the same kind of scale . ’
9 Yes I I would agree with that but I wondered , I think perhaps it should be the finance committee , I mean cos I understood that most of these these items are contained within the existing budget , because I mean the individual committees do have have the power to the monies within their own , and I it has it I would agree with Peter that if we have gone over and above the that the committee were working to but I understood that that was not the case , so I .
10 So it should be at £101.62 a case ( all prices are quoted exclusive of VAT ) from Bibendum ( 071–722 5577 ) .
11 So it should be clear that the separation of husband and wife has nothing to do with infertility of the woman .
12 It did n't have to be colourless , tasteless or odourless , it just had to be got , somehow or other , past Elinor 's front teeth , down her oesophagus and into her digestive system , even if to do so it should be necessary to hold her down and clamp a funnel between her jaws .
13 So it should be governed by the same economic laws of supply and demand ’ — whilst in one sense salutary , may strike a chilling note to those who believe in the public library 's responsibilities for satisfying minority tastes .
14 And so it should be , many of you will say .
15 It picks up all low-pitched noise , and so it should be used in quiet circumstances , on your own .
16 And so it should be , for the TAC 's history is a tribute to the enthusiasts and activists who consistently seek to change matters for the better .
17 So it should be assumed that a similar number of those who changed in the ‘ right ’ direction were similarly ill-informed about their new choice , and just happened to end up in the ‘ right ’ group by chance .
19 Of course , the effort required is a true social cost ( it reduces the manager 's utility , and the manager is a part of society ) and so it should be an offset on the social benefits , but nevertheless it is not clear that this mechanism described will lead to the socially efficient amount of effort being supplied .
20 So it should be able to sort it out .
21 But it was about i there were three things on the day , so it should be an hour and half a couple of hours .
22 So from four we count five backwards count minus five just means count down the opposite way , so we go one , two , three , four , five , so it should be minus one .
23 He recognised that the metrication of these properties had to be constructed , that measuring devices , or units of measurement , had to be devised , and so it should be for social and psychological phenomena .
24 So it should be .
25 Oh well okay then , erm , but I 've got 'em cereal and sugar and coffee and tea and bread and some cheese slices to make some toasted sandwiches and , so it should be okay , alright , er , I wo n't be long , alright , bye .
26 Well it certainly should be because it 's for the families , for the young children and they , they ca n't understand what it , all of it is about so it should be kept as simple and as short as possible .
27 I think she 's got about eighty people going so it should be quite good and we got a
28 Because it was on the other B B C one so it should be on this one as well .
29 So it should be dip , thirty three and
30 So it should be .
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