Example sentences of "[adv] it be so " in BNC.

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1 When we first got together it was so good between us .
2 Perhaps it 's so rare amongst
3 Only it 's so difficult judging what kind of impression one 's making , out here on one 's own . ’
4 Only it was so hard to do that , especially when she began looking at the sketches she had made at Kenilworth .
5 If only it were so simple .
6 Thing about this programme it is so it is so crucial to everything that goes on at Radio York while it is happening , they eat in the other room that 's how much er interest there is they eat in the other room .
7 so it is so easy when you 're only helping on a side line because you 're not doing any of the thought processing
8 I 've now rinsed that in there so it 's so dilute now that when I pour it away hardly a trace of it there .
9 You divide that by a hundred and twenty , divide they cancel out so it 's so to make one tonne of N A C L you use fifty eight over a hundred and twenty then you just times that by erm hundred and twenty times by two .
10 Oh , so it 's so it 's for photographing the star and
11 erm and yeah , er but that was his speciality er so it 's so of that four hundred and sixty million er a hundred million odd er just over a hundred million has been recovered , but unfortunately we still have three hundred and eighty million of liabilities erm that is due in part to the fact that with low interest rates really the liability value has increased .
12 Maybe just give him something so it 's so cold as well
13 I mean they ought it would be easy to monitor because it is so it 's so concise .
14 Well presumably you have n't played at all in the last couple of weeks , so it 's so you 're feeling perhaps a little bit rusty about it all ?
15 No I did n't know the area when I moved here erm my wife was so it was so er I 'm afraid , it 's not bad but move closer , just a bit closer .
16 Easily it 's so fucking .
17 where grievous excess of physical suffering is bred , large parts of the same soil yield , side by side with it , evils of another kind … in some of the regions of insanitary influence , civilization and morals suffer almost equally with health … education … is little likely to penetrate , unless with amended sanitary law , nor human life to be morally raised while physically it is so degraded and squandered .
18 That it has , despite the fact that superficially it is so unlikely , should , however , keep us on our toes .
19 oh I ca n't cut , will you , if you see yesterday it was so squashy this bread , I could n't cut it , I 'd have a go
20 And it was like it 's so stupid !
21 I mean , like it 's so !
22 I wish I could join him in the corridor , but now it is so crammed that there is no room .
23 You are sure you knew it once but now it is so hazy .
24 Yet now it is so much harder to move assets they are re-asserting their traditional role , not least through the marketing of property audits , in helping businesses to manage them more effectively instead .
25 As one of Bonn 's most distinguished physicists , Professor Wolfgang Paul put it , ‘ Now it 's so well-organised bad things can not happen , maybe good things can not either . ’
26 Now it 's so easy … even man 's Best Friend can do it !
27 I 've forgotten all the years now it 's so long .
28 ‘ — and I was placed between Harry Burrows and Piers Langley and they told me all about hunting round here and really it was so interesting that I hardly noticed what we ate , some sort of fish and pheasant I think and , oh yes , there was an ice but by that stage , you know , I did n't have the smallest corner to put in so much as a mouthful — ’
29 What 's funny is them being ‘ outrageous ’ , ie it 's so sick you 've just GOT to be joking when you say it .
30 Well it is so dry , god , but er , the first time I drank it , I think it was about threepence a pint , it was always a lot cheaper than beer , you know , it was in the thirties , threepence a pint .
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