Example sentences of "[adv] it be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She 's twenty-nine and on the other hand I have another friend who is in her forties ( 'A' ) and when those two are together it 's difficult to keep one awake .
2 It 's not just the way the things are attached together , joined together it 's more about the actual space how they 're arranged in space but .
3 Yes well of course you can Rita you know have two things there together it 's okay it 's fine .
4 With so many cables fairly close together it is easy to see why the side stitches remain as loops instead of being picked up with the latch tool at the sides of the cables .
5 Thus , if the two components are links pinned together it is easy to see that the " pin points " declared on each model should be coincident , and this will occur within the space of intersection ( whether described in terms of reference or local space parameters ) .
6 By examining the way these animals were put together it is possible to suggest a likely mode of life .
7 ‘ We are looking for a new partnership with the LAS and believe that together it is possible to ensure this vital lifeline goes from being the worst in the UK to being the model service . ’
8 Moreover , it has been argued that whenever two or more people are together it is impossible not to communicate .
9 Although in all the three books considered there is some evolutionary scheme , when we take them together it is clear that Marx and Engels were very willing to modify the overall picture whenever they obtained new information .
10 The use of different flowers for each picture means that each design stands on its own but when the pictures are placed together it is obvious that they form a pair .
11 I suppose you were , but together it was good .
12 Where several components had to be soldered together it was vital that the heating for the last piece to be attached did not melt the solder already in place .
13 ‘ The reason the tyres were heated was this : when we cut out the piece of the loose tyre and welded it together it was –en smaller than the actual woodwork on the wheel .
14 When we had Arthur Marshall , Dirk Bogarde and Joanna Lumley on the show together it was different .
15 Another view would be that it was a hail and farewell community , and while it was together it was open all hours .
16 Furthermore it is possible for a high degree polynomial to be only slightly better than a low degree one ( even a straight line fit ) , whereas the higher degree fit will certainly require much more effort .
17 Furthermore it is legitimate to ask how far adult behaviour patterns are built on a childhood foundation — is the child father to the man , or mother to the woman , in the absolute and simple sense Maltz and Borker appear to believe ?
18 Lastly it is probable that Rochester acted as a service centre for the comparatively large number of villas situated in the surrounding countryside .
19 Lastly it was possible to have the first-hand testimony of some of the compositors themselves and their relatives .
20 SUDDENLY it is all go in Britain 's commercial-property market .
21 Suddenly it is all about hard work , grafting for each other and scratching for the odd result that might suddenly spark your confidence .
22 Suddenly it is glamorous to appear nice and normal , and those who used to want to run the boardroom or run away to Paris now want to stay at home and watch programmes like Roseanne and Kate And Allie — new cult programmes that offer a cosy and entirely spurious view of family life .
23 Suddenly it 's all thorns , she comes to a full stop , caught and blind in a thicket of thorns like Abraham 's sacrificial ram .
24 They are interesting things to erect since one rushes round doing things to apparently little effect and then suddenly it 's all there .
25 Suddenly it 's all there , complete with toilet paper , which you use and then deftly wind back on to the roll .
26 We talk , we agree , I go away and start doing something , and then suddenly it 's all different .
27 We 're used to being told dark secrets about dead artists , but suddenly it 's open season on twentieth century public figures .
28 Suddenly it 's regimental Dalziel , the slave of the rule-book .
29 Suddenly it 's light , clear as day ; we stop in front of a German 3″ mortar with a neat pile of HE bombs beside it .
30 ‘ You mean that the world was once so simple , and suddenly it 's full of amazingly interesting things that you 'll never ever get to the end of as long as you live .
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