Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Their main priority during the year will be to learn enough and develop good enough relationships in both staffroom and classroom to survive .
2 Unless your oven temperature is very even , it 's a good idea to swap the trays around ; the brandy snaps nearer the heat will spread better and become more lacy than those cooking at a lower temperature .
3 ‘ Then the police came along and told us we should stay inside and keep away from the windows .
4 John 's slight built made him a tantalising opponent , but he had scorching pace and neat control , while also possessing the ability to cut inside and shoot powerfully for goal himself , so that he could always be relied upon to contribute several useful goals each season .
5 Kingsmill 's biographies tended to start brilliantly and end hurriedly , owing to his pressing financial difficulties .
6 We will do so and remain steadfastly independent of pressure from whatever quarter .
7 Also , men have no worries about pregnancy and single parenthood , they still seem to be blithe about AIDS , and have n't taken heed of the warning from One Plus One ( formerly the Marriage Research Council ) that men cast out of marriage between the ages of 25 and 50 are twice as likely to die prematurely and drink too much .
8 Given the wide range in dates represented by the fragments ; the fact that no two have yet been found to fit together and vary considerably in size ; and the lack of any signs of wreckage ; the current hypothesis is that the statues were already broken when they were loaded into the transport ship to be taken for re-use elsewhere .
9 It accounts for Paul 's repeated call to the Christians at Philippi to pull together and stand together ( Phil .
10 ‘ Probably the most important thing was being able to bring together and keep together a strong collection of people at all levels .
11 For smokers who are exposed to such substances as asbestos , their risks of developing lung cancer tend to multiply together and become very large .
12 Now is the time for the Cherry and Whites to pull together and push away from the bottom of the first division .
13 Can I go away and hide now ?
14 His father was a public relations man for Dr Barnardo 's Homes and would chat away and do all that kind of thing , whereas David was very much like his mother in terms of showing affection .
15 At Christmas and Hogmanay , well I 'd like to go away and get outside do you know where the country because that is more Scottish , you get , that 's the countryside .
16 The trouble was that she would never say , she would only look away and murmur vaguely , ‘ You decide … ’
17 And they will go elsewhere and do extremely well , one of them .
18 ‘ I have done so much with Middlesbrough that at times I think it might be nice to go elsewhere and start afresh .
19 and even if you do n't it 's gon na c you know And er you get a few choice words and then eventually you say Well well look we 'll go outside and sit outside for a few minutes and d and wait till you 've decided what and do n't forget i time you kn you kn
20 You can then add to this the more pro-active and aggressive corporate functions needed to trade successfully and keep ahead of your competitors . ’
21 No date or venue is yet set , but ( i ) it will obviously take some time to organise properly and publicise/market effectively and ( ii ) the most likely venue is Edinburgh .
22 He was not in favour of an over-active presidency — as he saw that of Roosevelt — but instead proposed to consult widely and act only after calm deliberation .
23 Lightweight langlauf skis have a waxed tread underneath resembling fish scales — the scales enable you to slip downhill and grip uphill .
24 There is no theoretical requirement for time symmetry in reversal : it may initiate preferentially in one hemisphere , for example , or may start slowly and finish quickly .
25 ‘ Perhaps we should go somewhere and talk quietly and sensibly about this . ’
26 This is partly I suppose what made us seem like a destination to him ; he was in that simple sense ready to arrive , ready to get somewhere and rest there for the night .
27 ‘ Say we can meet somewhere and start again . ’
28 One had to start somewhere and work quickly to meet the growing social need .
29 It forces you to think concisely and answer efficiently .
30 This will hatch quickly and eat both Ammophila 's own egg and the caterpillar that was provided for it .
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