Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] by " in BNC.

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1 Yes , it 's growing organically and also by acquisition .
2 In ballet , the Mariinsky ( or the Kirov , as we have known it since 1935 ) has an almost unassailable reputation , with the choreography of Marius Petipa as one of its foundations — as we saw in the pas de deux from Le Corsaire , danced brilliantly and poetically by Elvira Tarasova and Igor Zelensky , and in Diana and Actaeon , which highlighted the virile athleticism of Farukh Ruzimatov .
3 The following report of the Wiesbaden Congress appears in the BDN : The international gathering behaved exactly like any other assembly of deaf people — there in the heart of Germany , the home of oralism , they conversed fluently and easily by the combined method .
4 Good gossip must have an esential core of truth to it , and a dose of compassion , concern or at least good humour attached ; it is bad gossip that has no basis in fact , that is driven obviously and primarily by maliciousness .
5 Innocent 's chancery — which was to bear quite a heavy weight of governmental responsibility during the pontificate — appears to have been run personally and autocratically by the pope .
6 These young men and women are sorely needed in rapidly growing churches which are supported less and less by Missionaries from Europe and North America .
7 In most countries north of the Alps wine was the luxury of the rich , even though most of the wine drunk at this time was what we should call ‘ vin ordinaire ’ ; and even communion wine ( which had done so much to foster the growth of the northern vineyards ) was drunk less and less by the laity in these centuries , until communion in one kind became the rule .
8 We could clean swiftly and efficiently by now , and knew the special little ways that made a lavatory really white , or a tiled floor that bit more gleaming .
9 ‘ Often as he sat in Davin 's rooms in Grantham Street , wondering at his friend 's well made boots that flanked the wall pair by pair , and repeating for his friend 's simple ear the verses and cadences of others which with the veils of his own longing dejection , the rude pheoboric mind of his listener had drawn his mind towards it and flung it back again , drawing it by a quiet inbred courtesy of attention , or by a quaint turn of Old English speech , or by the force of its delight in rude bodily skills , for Davin had sat at the feet of Michael Cussack the game , repelling it swiftly and suddenly by a grossness of intelligence , or by a bluntness of feeling , or by a dull stare of terror in the eyes , the terror of sole of starving Irish village in which the curfew was still a nightly fear .
10 This was done successfully through the use of patois both defensively and offensively by the group .
11 About half an hour later , when the formation was patrolling over Luqa at 20,000 feet , they were suddenly attacked from above and astern by six Bf109Es .
12 Not only are they going to find themselves deliberately and actively squeezed from above and below by the very organisation , the ATP Tour , which is supposed to be protecting and encouraging them but they still have to compete against exhibition events , with open cheque books , for a handful of top players .
13 The squad , who play two internationals , is being chosen tonight and tomorrow by the national selectors , headed by Geoff Cooke and Dick Best , the Grand Slam management team .
14 They can be performed relatively easily and effectively by hand .
15 It can be constructed easily and cheaply by tacking a square of white or green flannel to a board 24 ins by 24 ins ( 60 cm by 60 cm ) .
16 Make it a really relaxing experience , both physically and mentally by choosing treatments that de-stress and de-toxify .
17 Money , Aimee , who is scarred physically and mentally by the attack , believes would be well spent .
18 We commence with the idealized freely jointed chain , which may be described exactly and also by several very useful approximations .
19 Undertaken sensitively and carefully by an experienced operator in controlled circumstances , regression therapy should be a beneficial and restorative experience for the subject , enabling him to be rid of a serious problem that may have been troubling him for years and indeed possibly ruining his life .
20 Fingers are moved backwards and forwards by these delicate sinews — flexor tendons in the palms , which bend the fingers , and extensor tendons on the back of the hand , which straighten them again .
21 Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and move backwards and forwards by ‘ walking ’ on your bottom .
22 A payment which has a dual purpose ( ie is part of the price arrangements between the vendor shareholders and Newco , rather than being a payment incurred wholly and exclusively by Target for the purposes of its trade ) may not be deductible ( see Watney Combe and Co v Pike [ 1982 ] STC 733 ) .
23 they 've identified offenders and have been attacked verbally and physically by these yobs
24 An old and enduring model of sexual difference , developed most powerfully and resiliently by Galen in the second century AD , had stressed the homologous nature of male and female reproductive organs ; women were said to have the same genitals as men , only inside rather than outside .
25 In 1972 there was a general agreement that major services , apart from housing , could not be provided economically and efficiently by units with less than 250,000 people .
26 It also makes available a data base of information which can be interrogated flexibly and easily by means of a report generator .
27 The warning signs were , in any case , hoisted slowly and cautiously by the scientists .
28 The successful transfer of such experience from teacher to pupil is taken to require a sense of a " community of interest " which " would be felt instinctively and immediately by the pupil " :
29 Since the call of the Killer whale is no doubt heavily impregnated with its hungry mental intention , these would be understood instinctively and automatically by the young seal or porpoise , since those feelings are also a part of their mind structure .
30 Autumn is blown hither and thither by an ever-changing tempestuous wind .
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