Example sentences of "[adv] and [det] the " in BNC.

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1 He laughed suddenly and all the tight irritation in his face melted away , so that , as usual , Robyn felt confused and foolish because being angry with him was so difficult and pointless when his mouth curved into that wonderful smile and his eyes sparkled so .
2 When he returned in the spring of 1923 , Chagall found a new lock on the door , a new occupant inside and all the paintings gone .
3 The waiters do n't have menus , they come and shout at you and if you 're sitting ‘ upstairs ’ on the ground floor , as opposed to the much more plebby basement , then they turn the lights off every twenty minutes or so and all the diners have to dance by candlelight for two minutes whether they want to or not .
4 I kept just killing time until it had gone eleven o'clock and all the cinema-goers had gone in for the late shows , at which point I decided to call it a day .
5 Came 6 o'clock and all the other guards reported to HQ and were dismissed .
6 All the black kids stick together and all the white kids stick together , and you are n't either , are you ? ’
7 As I sipped the remainder of my beer I reflected on the years that had past , the paddling trips we had done together and all the good times .
8 Much as I might personally long for a world where sun and moon danced together and all the trees clapped their hands , it remained intangible .
9 So if you could now get together with your people , all the ones together , all the twos together and all the threes together and rearrange the tables in an area of the room where you 'd like to work .
10 There was n't even a pub any longer and half the cottages were empty , only the old folk left .
11 right , and I mean they , they 're talking to you right and all the time they 're like this themselves like .
12 What you wan na do is I 've just done a seven day report on the er on hazard spotting etcetera etcetera etcetera and all the different surveys we 've had on the site over the past month .
13 Simon launched himself towards the table and crashed both clenched fists down on its surface , making it rock dangerously and all the mugs and cans rattle .
14 One thing that works at this time forget today and yesterday and all the week it 's the number of children that come into this playhouse now we have us we have a thing called work experience where they come from the school 's and the poor little bugger 's have got ta work with me . .
15 It was easier to do this because Joe was due home and all the family were happily preparing .
16 Might as well bring the clothes and stay here as go home , all the way home and all the way back again .
17 just for fun , you know but I 'm not a believer in using your fists , you ought to be using your brain to teach with but there were no there are no sanctions , if you say you must stay behind after school , you have to send a letter home and half the parents will write back and say my son or daughter is not staying after school and that is that !
18 It had been taken out once and all the plates cracked , and the mirrors .
19 Ascot was barely a week past and all the indications had been that her rehabilitation as a jockey would be a matter of weeks not days .
20 Andrea told the hearing : ‘ I woke up about 3.30am and all the lights were still on .
21 However , it will not be successful unless the objectives have been stated clearly and all the practical options considered .
22 They left us behind and all the lots gone forward then , following Gerry into Germany .
23 The Act of Settlement of 1701 , which determined the succession to the throne , affirmed that the laws of England " are the Birthright of the People thereof and all the Kings and Queens who shall ascend the Throne of this Realm ought to administer the Government of the same according to the said Laws and all their Officers and Ministers ought to serve them respectively according to the same . "
24 Now and all the days of my life . ’
25 ‘ We have tightened up procedures now and all the fish and nets which are confiscated are tagged .
26 I have been unemployed for seven months now and all the people I meet in the Job Club seem to have at least one bad experience of these so-called training schemes .
27 Afraid of tonight and tomorrow and all the empty tomorrows .
28 In memory , when the sun shone over Reinbeck , it would be bright in Reincliff as well and all the way down to New York .
29 ‘ He said he knew the part of Tuscany we were going to extremely well and all the priests were Communists .
30 Well as I say I mean we 're doing very well and all the money and , and you know , ninety percent of the money comes out of the the er the members ' pockets really I mean ev even the sub for the open show , we put out a lot of that even the stuff and things like this , so we do provide an awful lot of money .
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