Example sentences of "[adv] in [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Applicants should possess : GCE or GCSE passes at grade C or better in Mathematics and three other subjects , at least one of which must be at ‘ A ’ level ( or an equivalent AS level qualification ) ;
2 Applicants should possess : GCE or GCSE passes at grade C or better in Mathematics and three other subjects , at least one of which must be at ‘ A ’ level ( or an equivalent AS level qualification ) ;
3 We told the truth , the country deserved better than it got , and Labour would keep striving to create a country better in spirit and soul , he said , appealing for the party to retain in defeat the unity and vitality it showed in the campaign .
4 ‘ The only real pre-requisite for a trade within the forces police is a GSCE grade C or better in English and a special forces driver 's licence which I had to qualify for at RAF St Athan .
5 She felt that he spoke better in Punjabi and that he remembered better in Punjabi .
6 Meths stoves , like the popular Trangia , tend to work better in wind and can cope with cold , but you might find the meths a little difficult to light in extreme cold .
7 Four strokes ahead at the turn he was suddenly in trouble and overtaken by Jeff Maggert , who had a three-stroke lead with two to play .
8 The techniques of AI are becoming more and more important , both in industry ( eg in robotics and the intelligent use of databases ) and in pure research in the cognitive sciences ; but the techniques are essentially programming concepts and can only usefully be grasped by those who can program .
9 ‘ Not much of a rest for them in here , ’ I remarked , as a mortar bomb burst close by in the orchard , causing the barn to shake a load of debris from the rafters , covering everyone below in pigeon and probably hen shit .
10 Still , there can be no doubt that the first great emigration wave of our period ( 1845–54 ) was essentially a flight from hunger or pressure of population on land , basically in Ireland and Germany , which supplied 80 per cent of all transatlantic migrants in these years .
11 In on the fourteenth of July of nineteen ninety three the defendant took out a summons with a view to having all the outstanding matters resolved and er this summons came before erm deputy master on the twelfth of August nineteen ninety three and he gave various directions including an enquiry in relation to how the surgery premises er ought to be dealt with as in court in the winding up of the partnership and that matter went before Mr Justice long in December and he decided those issues and gave directions in relation to and how the premises are to be sold , the effect of the directions very vaguely , is that the premises have to be offered to the partners , if only one of the partners shows any interest then there is provision in the relevant deed for ascertaining the price and this is put to that partner at that price , if more than one partner wishes to buy the premises then there is provision for a fixing of a minimum figure and then each of the partners has to put in sealed offers er and the premises will be sold to the partner , the former partner who put in the last offer , that broadly speaking I think is the substance of Mr Justice order .
12 If a young woman is feeling fit and healthy , it is very tempting to skip the effort of going to the clinic , having to make an appointment long in advance and then waiting in long queues but it is extremely important to have regular checkups for the sake of both your health and that of your baby .
13 ( 27 November 1777 ) Among his complaints were that Mozart and his mother had stayed too long in Munich and Augsburg using up their money on lodging expenses without having any means of earning money , that Mozart was not keeping him fully apprised of exactly where his plans lay , how he was proposing to get from one place to another and by which route and when , that he was not keeping up with his composition , nor arranging to have existing works copied so that he could present them to an influential Prince or noble , and that he had not taken the right sorts of composition with him — too many symphonies and not enough church music .
14 They were to be allowed to use some of the gentry 's farmland , but not necessarily in perpetuity and only in return for labour services or cash .
15 In the 1950s and 1960s supply improved as a result of policies to build large numbers of council houses , especially in Scotland and major cities in the North of England .
16 decline of the cotton , textile , shipbuilding and other large-scale industries especially in Scotland and North of England .
17 Life there was hard , especially in winter and today no one over-winters on the island , islanders preferring to fish and farm in summer and to retreat to the comforts of Tromsø in winter .
18 Its history is a long one in Scotland and in 1786 it was already a polled breed ( though some were scurred ) but in other respects it resembled the Highland , especially in shape and colour .
19 Although Pearce has demonstrated that the major generating and receiving nations are developed nations , especially in Europe and North America , there has been a marked increase in tourism to developing countries which is actively encouraged to generate foreign currency .
20 Companies have rushed back into debt , mainly to finance overseas acquisitions , especially in Britain and America .
21 A similar thing has happened to Ms , especially in Britain and Australia : instead of replacing Miss and Mrs it has been added to the system to make a further distinction , referring in many people 's usage to older unmarried women , divorcees and ‘ strident feminists ’ — in other words , to ‘ abnormal ’ and ‘ unfeminine ’ women who have not been able to get — or keep — a man .
22 Before we leave that age , however , we must at least mention some others , especially in Britain and America , and note some further themes in their work .
23 While Brunner 's theology was for a time regarded , especially in Britain and America , as more ‘ moderate ’ than Barth 's , and therefore preferable , he must now be regarded as the less radical and less creative of the two .
24 Given these assertions , it is easy to see that one reason for the neglect of Freud by sociologists , especially in Britain and to a lesser extent in the United States , is as much due to the fact that intellectual fashions have changed as to anything intrinsic to Freud 's theory .
25 So , word-play is found in many other kinds of discourse type , especially in Britain and British English , such as advertising , and headlinese : it is actually so prevalent as to be inescapable ( " It 's enough to make your kin scrawl " — Crayola ) .
26 The inspectors spoke of poor marks especially in English and mathematics .
27 The inspectors criticised poor marks especially in English and Mathematics .
28 But again , over a surprisingly wide area , and especially in song and in the simpler instruments , some degree of relatively unmediated access is available , with some shared rhythmic resources , possibly of the whole species , as an important factor .
29 Corinthian aryballoi are found far and wide , especially in Sicily and Italy , where Corinth long dominated trade and was early involved in colonisation .
30 The Serbian Party is also beginning to put pressure on the press in other republics , especially in Slovenia and Croatia .
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