Example sentences of "[adv] and [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 The Committee arranges the daily timetables , ensuring that all women are in the building by 8 pm. and in their bedrooms with the lights out at 10 p.m .
2 They feel they are being sucked inexorably and against their will into the adoption of a rather ugly or artificial persona , though there are various expressions that this mask can take .
3 Enterprise zones altered arbitrarily the relative locational advantage of firms inside and outside their perimeter .
4 They also made other friends , of course , both inside and outside their own college .
5 Good managers everywhere know that they need to look both inside and outside their organisation to get the best deal for the citizens who use their services .
6 The first heavy drops splashed in coin shapes on the pavement below and in their tubs the pink flowers on the forecourt dipped and swayed .
7 BiC has the objective of encouraging the growth of enterprise agencies and ‘ bringing together groups of local companies to work in partnership , together and with their local authorities ’ ( quoted in King , 1985 , p. 206 ) .
8 Tenor sax and guitar played well together and in their many solos .
9 Different individuals may place themselves at different points in the middle of the continuum and use a range of varieties above and below their " home base " .
10 What 's more , he obviously still elevated those early influences above and beyond their deserved stature .
11 They often needed money above and beyond their budget ( though sometimes not much ) — because usually their budget was for the routine things they were doing , and if they wanted to do something novel , they had to find extra funds .
12 The position of married women today , both generally and vis-à-vis their husbands , is very different from what it was when the equitable principles underlying Turnbull & Co. v. Duval [ 1902 ] A.C. 429 and Chaplin & Co .
13 China was expanding at such a rate that some experts were predicting that by the year two thousand the world would be dominated by Chinese people , both numerically and in their demand for resources .
14 Copiousness of detail excepted , a fundamental difference in the attitude of each traveller again lies deep within and beneath their texts when they write of Anoch and Mr McQueen .
15 Similarly , parallel questions will be asked of the participants , for the clients also bring expectations and stereotypes ( of the workers , administration , etc. and of their fellow clients ) to participation , as well as a wide gamut of often conflicting ideologies .
16 Both technically and in their use of colour , these paintings seemed to rely heavily on their statement titles which gave little added insight .
17 Meanwhile professional advisers , both directly and through their managers , address changes that affect prescribing in primary care with regional health authorities , purchasers , and providers ; among these changes will be better information systems between secondary and primary care so that patients being discharged into the community have their medicines available and that ‘ at risk ’ patients are identified : pharmaceutical services must follow the patient .
18 The government believes that the Convention offers an opportunity for the people of Northern Ireland to contribute directly and in their own way to the establishing of a joint and stable society in Northern Ireland .
19 But when it comes to ensuring that public bodies act reasonably and within their powers , it is often felt to be much less clear how the law ought to be enforced .
20 Giving reasons , therefore , raises our thoughts and actions from the here and now and from their singularity by placing them in the context of a wider perspective or tradition .
21 help young children to develop a sensibly cautious attitude by taking care with everyday household products , and by using all manufactured chemical correctly and for their intended use
22 Avoid the hottest time of the day , when the sun 's rays are directly overhead and at their most powerful and harmful .
23 Pandarus , the ‘ pitiful goer-between ’ ( 200 ) , remains in prose , though , here and at their parting ( IV.iv . )
24 Again , Kathleen talked to the visitors about our penguins , how they were hatched and hand-reared here and about their award-winning enclosure .
25 … ( there are ) great implications for the education and training of information professionals both initially and throughout their career .
26 And so in the middle of January 1959 , the Eliots travelled to Nassau in the Bahamas , stopping at New York on the way there and on their return .
27 They describe their partners as more balanced , more confident , more secure and stronger than themselves , both emotionally and in their sense of direction at work .
28 He saw ahead and to their left a wedge of earth fallen from the bank .
29 Your investigators now will not only have to keep to the law but they will have to obey regulations as well , or only occasionally and with their eye very much over their shoulder slide past them .
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