Example sentences of "[adv] and [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 simple supervision not enough and some attendance on site by a qualified person with nominated person essential in
2 Perhaps one day computers will be big enough and numerical analysts clever enough so that the engineer will only have to pose the problem , but not yet , and not , I think , for some time to come .
3 Mr Golding believed the parents had suffered enough and any attempt to prosecute the doctor should be dropped .
4 Consultants ' caseloads are mounting inexorably and technical complexity is increasing while junior support declines , both proportionately and in terms of doctor hours .
5 Sequences from flanking regions of the 16S rRNA gene , 259 bases upstream and 328 bases downstream , were searched for transcription signals , structural genes or other significant sequences based on the data available for eubacteria and other archaea .
6 Two are particularly critical : effective communication between upstream and downstream members of the design team and better working relationships with die manufacturers and suppliers .
7 Overlapping upstream and downstream cycles means that the downstream has to start solving problems before the problems ( inputs ) themselves are completely defined .
8 In theory , assuming that a project consists of a number of stages , lead time can be shortened in two ways : ( 1 ) overlapping upstream and downstream engineering activities on the critical path ; and/or ( 2 ) shortening each step on the critical path .
9 Mr Hodgson explained that in buying up so many small firms , who really could no longer make ends meet , he , Howard Hodgson , could do better and cheaper funerals and that no one need worry about the cost any way , because if the deceased or whoever was taking the responsibility of next-of-kin possessed less than £300 , the DHSS would pay for the whole thing .
10 We must keep on finding better and simpler ways of doing things .
11 Its director , Eric Appleby , said of the plan : ‘ Before such a step is taken pubs must become better and safer places — places suitable for children . ’
12 Many of the basic Windows techniques are taken for granted in the rush to produce better and better Windows applications — assuming that everyone understands Windows inside out .
13 Cinema audiences in the 1920s expected better and better things and cinema-going became part and parcel of their social betterment .
14 To go on for a long time doing better and better exhibitions .
15 Focus on producing better and better source code .
16 And whether it 's new sections , price cutting , more sports pages or simply giving away compact discs , everybody 's at it , offering their readers better and better value for money .
17 Obviously , experimentation is going to yield better and better results , but few guitar players would find much trouble extracting a workable sound in a matter of minutes .
18 We can now speak of quantities of heat and use this to develop better and better theories and laws of thermodynamics .
19 The great majority would like to see better and wider roads which would be less congested and safer .
20 The spirit of the age , and of Europe in particular , is for more , better and wider democracy .
21 Its objects are to unite the deaf and dumb and all interested in them , advance and protect their interests , elevate their social status , secure better and higher education for them , afford to anyone information as to their condition , education , etc. , establish missions in places where none exist , and last of all to assist by means of pensions the most deserving aged and infirm deaf and dumb , and so prevent them , in many instances , from drifting into the workhouse .
22 Waxing the skis helps them to slide better and some slopes have a lubrication system which further reduces friction .
23 Ministers can go from London to Balmoral as well as Sovereigns from Balmoral to London , and the former has to my mind a far better and longer tradition behind it .
24 I 've got no specific figures or names in mind , but I think there will be a further growth , particularly in the number of people who supply existing credit cards , and that 's important because they may do better and different deals with the retailers over how much they charge for the processing .
25 When purely environmentally-dictated policies ( such as forest closure or forcible destocking of pastures ) do not work because the social context has been analysed insufficiently , force is often contemplated ( or , in administrative language , better and tougher implementation and environmental protection ) .
26 A merger may occur when a firm is operating inefficiently and new management will be installed with the aim of increasing efficiency and profitability .
27 When he repeated the text ( which he did frequently ) , ‘ And in the morning ’ would boom suddenly and dozy members of the congregation twitched , wondering if they had missed something .
28 The second and third views emphasise the importance of using Standard English for wider communication , inside and outside school .
29 Since health education is an area which is of concern both inside and outside school , the co-ordinator has to be a person with sufficient status to be at ease with parents , health agencies , other sectors of education , and to take decisions which cut across stages and subjects .
30 It is significant that some parts of the mathematics curriculum ( notably arithmetic and algebra ) are seen by many people both inside and outside education to be relevant , whereas other parts ( topology and , perhaps , geometry ) are not .
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