Example sentences of "[adv] and [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It felt like I was inside and part of a huge virtual reality machine .
2 I was anxious to get inside and nose around her furniture .
3 An American super-seiner with the huge net stacked on its stern , dory alongside and speedboats on the foredeck .
4 For he has never been able to sleep much and talks with me late into the night .
5 The department acts as host to 6–8 visiting speakers from Scandinavia annually and functions as an informal centre for Scandinavian exchange students ( both undergraduate and postgraduate ) resident in Edinburgh .
6 All members receive 3 copies of the Medau news annually and notification of all Medau events .
7 The gena ( Fig. 5 ) forms the whole of the lateral area below and posterior to the eyes on each side ; near its junction with the clypeus is a facet for articulation with the ginglymus of the mandible and proximally it bears a cavity which receives the mandibular condyle .
8 . He followed a difficult zigzag path from Porlock Weir to Culbone , climbing through woodland which abounded in ‘ wild deer , foxes , badgers , and martin cats ’ ; whortleberries grew in plenty beneath the canopy of trees , and as the ascent progressed , the distant sound of waves breaking on the shore below and glimpses of the Channel and the Welsh mountains were sufficient to fill one eighteenth century traveller with mingled ‘ pleasure and astonishment ’ .
9 Tommy sits in the studio alone and broadcasts to Children all over Britain .
10 The results of the antibody tests were interpreted without knowledge of metastatic site or other clinical information and are considerably better than results of morphological studies using routine sections , in which only 27% of sites were identified correctly on morphology alone and 46% with knowledge of the metastatic site .
11 For patients whose thrombolytic treatment was initiated within 6 h of symptom onset , the reduction in total vascular mortality was 30% with streptokinase alone and 53% with both aspirin and streptokinase .
12 I think one is largely on judging people in the hands of the media , looking at it from an ordinary party member I think it 's the air he gives , whether it 's an air of confidence competence and perhaps and air of confidence , the way he handles himself in the House of Commons , the things that he actually says , because within that time you 're not able , in fact , to have achieved much erm parliamentary wise , one very much has to judge a person by what he has .
13 You would n't see perhaps and orange during the Summer .
14 In small communities with a strong religious nucleus there is always an element of censure — sometimes unspoken , sometimes whispered , more rarely shouted aloud and face to face — of those who are thought to have transgressed against the faith .
15 Pollinator assemblages for any particular plant vary in space and time , both seasonally and year by year , which is perhaps not surprising in view of animal cycles and the fact that the environment ‘ perceived ’ by a plant species is irregularly and somewhat erratically structured , i.e. has a strong stochastic component .
16 Yes , I mean this is the point I 'll be developing later , later in , in , in the lectures , I 'm currently spending a lot of time kind of researching and thinking about this , but i i it 's ultimately the question of genes affect behaviour and more and more I come to the to the view that they probably do so erm through what we call our emotions , that our genes kind of erm guide us to do so and things through various subjective feelings like when we 're hungry , we , we know we 're hungry and it 's a subjective feeling of hunger .
17 The minister duly does so and reports to the House that the Belgian is a Polish immigrant .
18 Return on total assets is 1.53% less , profit margins are 0.5% less and sales per employee fall short by £12,631 of their UK rivals ( see table 2 ) .
19 The cellar I have at least seen , and been in occasionally ; I know all the rooms on the ground floor and the second ; the loft is my domain entirely and home of the Wasp Factory , no less ; but that one room on the first floor I do n't know , I have never even seen inside .
20 Hold down Alt and tap T once only and TYPE in the text .
21 Prices cover ground arrangements only and cost from $745 ( about £440 ) for a week at the Lazy L&B on full-board , double-occupancy basis , inclusive of horse riding .
22 Course extended to allow for BEd degrees and honours degrees and Diploma in Higher Education ( the latter retrospectively from 1974 ) ; education approved for all degree and diploma programmes ; also art & design for BEd only and music for BEd and DipHE only , single fields in catering studies , and food & nutrition ( approved for BA and BSc only ) .
23 During the same period Blackwellgate will be restricted to buses only and access to the Abbot 's Yard car park will be from Bondgate only .
24 For example , one valuable task to which the College could turn its hand is the gathering together and classification of material relating to further education in Wales .
25 If they were all reached in accommodation together and kind of lived together with relatively little conflict .
26 Mix all ingredients together and pile into a wholemeal pitta or onto a slice of fresh wholemeal bread .
27 Mix all ingredients together and pile into wholemeal pitta or onto a slice of wholemeal bread .
28 In many ways it is a natural gathering together and celebration of the teaching and learning which has taken place in the Religious Education class and all the aspects of the Catholic way of life of the school .
29 The two nuclei — of sperm and ovum — move together and fuse into one nucleus which holds both sets of chromosomes , 46 in all , with two sex chromosomes .
30 We propose that the Community should adopt a European Environmental Charter , bringing together and building upon existing provisions for environmental protection in order to protect the individual 's right to a better environment .
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