Example sentences of "[adv] the end of " in BNC.

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31 Secondly , we might think it daring in the extreme , if not plain wrong , that the storyteller should represent God as being in Jacob 's grip until nearly the end of the contest .
32 It was nearly the end of her shift , Pepita looked about her .
33 The Spanish expelled the Muslims from the island , but were not able to bring it under their full control , or defend its inhabitants from Muslim raiders , until nearly the end of the nineteenth century .
34 By the late autumn of 1944 , in joint operations with the German forces , the Cossacks had cleared the Italian partisans out of their area , which they continued to garrison until nearly the end of the war .
35 Why are there such a multiplicity of counts , and sometimes of defendants , with long opening speeches and insufficient identification of the issues for the jury until nearly the end of a trial ?
36 Until nearly the end of the Middle Ages fortification was still necessary , for monasteries ( Mont S. Michel , for example ) , for castles and palaces and even for bridges .
37 It 's nearly the end of the financial year and most of the money 's been spent .
38 This arrangement , flexible but strikingly unmodern , was to last until nearly the end of the eighteenth century .
39 Erm , they have n't said , because at the moment , it 's , it 's at the end of one lease , or nearly the end of one lease , with some small horror stories in there of sorts , and I think it 's got to come on
40 Cos last week I did n't see Rosie and Jim until nearly the end of the week .
41 Yeah mind you , we 're nearly the end of March now
42 End of February , March , April , God it 's nearly the end of May before I can start playing again
43 Moreover , changes in technology , notably the end of steam traction and more sophisticated technical aids for drivers , have called into question the exclusive craft character of drivers ' skills .
44 It was also the end of his screen career .
45 The completion of the Corrieyairack road — it was also the end of the road-building season for that year which ran from April to October — was made the occasion of a notable celebration , here described by an eye-witness :
46 What the outside world sees as a minister promoting a particular project is probably the end of a long process in which different groups of civil servants within the department have argued about the case for that venture as opposed to other ventures .
47 Well that 's just about the end of another year of Central News .
48 Now the end of cold war , the collapse of the old Soviet Union and the readjustment of America 's role in the region are thrusting great-powerdom upon it .
49 Now the end of the cold war , which has changed everybody 's map , has changed Greece 's more than most .
50 The lofty summit appears suddenly and you realise that Cnicht is really the end of a long , undulating ridge which leads the eye northwards towards shapely Moel Siabod .
51 Sally-Anne took the kiss and the last sight of him standing in the parlour in his beautiful evening clothes up to bed with her , and agreed with him — for really the end of the evening and their happy supper together had been the best thing of all .
52 Was it really the end of an era ?
53 fucking laugh , so I said to her no I said it is this week Julie I said and it 's towards the end of the week but I 'll ring you by the weekend and let you know , well of course come the Thursday morning I have n't seen Val , and I was ever so upset because it really the end of the line money wise , I could n't do any more
54 But in no Western country so far , other than in the years following the end of a war , has there been a major permanent reduction in the role of the state .
55 An exhibition of Max Ernst 's most important period , covering his work as a Dada artist in Cologne after 1912 and in Paris in the years following the end of World War I , opens at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , in the middle of this month ( 14 March-2 May ) .
56 In the months following the end of the civil war , parliament 's New Model Army , which contained large numbers of soldiers who had rejected the Presbyterian establishment in favour of greater religious toleration , grew steadily more and more disenchanted with its masters .
57 Such was the message put across by Francoist propaganda in the months following the end of hostilities .
58 One therefore has the dichotomy of examining what is reasonable at one time ( ie the start of the contract ) , whilst also examining the ultimate purpose of the restraint at another ( ie the end of the contractual period ) .
59 To the north the streets are quieter , and by following the canals — a smelly exercise in high summer , no doubt — or simply the end of your nose , Bruges can be appreciated on a more domestic scale .
60 Mr Clinton 's treasury secretary , Lloyd Bentsen , dismissed the stock market fall simply the end of a ‘ speculative run-up ’ .
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