Example sentences of "[adv] because it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The apartment was indeed attractive , perhaps because it had nothing whatever of McIllvanney about it .
2 Unfortunately , girls may be encouraged to keep their voices high , perhaps because it sounds sweet and makes them appear vulnerable and feminine .
3 The one of the Dallachy Strike Wing ( FP November , p29 ) has been less publicised than its counterpart at Banff to the south , perhaps because it operated the Beaufighter rather than the more glamorous Mosquito .
4 ( N.B. Buying more of the same stock seemed less like spending money , perhaps because it does n't require the grasping of an entirely new situation . )
5 He had been looking forward to ‘ getting away ’ as he put it , perhaps because it sounded more therapeutic than ‘ going on holiday ’ .
6 First , it seems that preliminary exposure to the training context can enhance the magnitude of the latent inhibition effect , perhaps because it retards the development of context-specificity ( Hall and Channell 1985 c ) ; second , giving animals extensive exposure to the training context alone after they have experienced presentations of the target stimulus in that context does nothing to diminish the size of the latent inhibition effect ( e.g. Hall and Minor 1984 ) .
7 Perhaps because it seems so obvious , the theorists did not bother to try to find out whether delinquents did in fact hold delinquent values , but concentrated more on explaining how these values came about .
8 High concentrations of the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine will induce many cell types in culture to undergo apoptosis , perhaps because it blocks the intracellular signalling pathways activated by the extracellular survival factors that many cells require to live .
9 ‘ God knows why , perhaps because it rains there all the time . ’
10 If access to the toilet is difficult , perhaps because it has steps , or the room is too small for a wheelchair and the carer to manoeuvre in , he may have to be provided with a commode .
11 Perhaps because it has been so popular it has many common names , such as hag taper , Aaron 's rod , Adam 's flannel and torches .
12 These measurements also make it clear that Mercury is a good deal more spherical than the Moon , perhaps because it has not been subjected to the tidal forces of a nearby planet .
13 To the children who find any sort of role play difficult ( perhaps because it has been discouraged at home , or because they are very shy ) it communicates to them that you approve of such play .
14 Evidence that long tails impose viability costs is very limited , yet without this it remains possible that tail elongation has sometimes been driven by natural selection , perhaps because it improves aerodynamic efficiency , manoeuvrability or stability .
15 Apparently because it had n't been done before …
16 But Lawson shelved it , apparently because it urged a change of policy , and asked his economics and statistical division for another version , which was published .
17 In the overhaul of government that accompanied the War of the Spanish Succession the servants of Philip V rejected the system of the Great Councils , less because it gave the grandees too much political power than because it was incurably inefficient and incapable of organizing the monarchy for the defence of the French dynasty .
18 The court office can not refuse to issue proceedings by the process requested by the plaintiff/applicant merely because it considers such process to be inappropriate ( Baker v Thatcher ( 1984 ) 134 NLJ 863 ) .
19 Thus free enterprise — the pursuit of fair profit , the generator of wealth and employment , the backbone on which social welfare is possible — can be viewed , at least by corporate officials , as the primary ethic for and of an industrial society , and conformity to this neutralizes any obedience to the law merely because it happens to be the law .
20 Margaret Anne Doody claims that eighteenth century poetry is incarnational , not merely because it deals in particulars , ‘ … but also because it celebrates , however ruefully , the experience of living a bodily and historical life .
21 A term is not implied , however , merely because it appears reasonable to do so nor if it is contrary to an express term .
22 In other words , implied terms can not be introduced merely because it appears reasonable or equitable to do so .
23 The directors must act in accordance with what they believe to be an appropriate balancing of the sometimes conflicting interests , but the court can not intervene merely because it disagrees with the way in which the directors have weighted those interests .
24 And yet it would be unfair to deny the validity of art , that open forum in which we unceasingly sound out our emotional and intellectual understanding , merely because it has not had immediate effect on events in society .
25 The furore has hit Hamilton Oil 's £2bn plans hardest because it has come while they are locked on hold by a full-scale public inquiry , a report by brokers County Nat West claimed .
26 The furore has hit Hamilton Oil 's £2bn plans hardest because it has come while they are locked on hold by a full-scale public inquiry , says a report by broker County Nat West .
27 Swessex , a bastard county created by the iniquitous reorganization of local government in the early ‘ seventies , comprised one and a half old counties knocked together because it looked neater that way .
28 ‘ We came together because it looked as if he was going to try to take my line to the corner .
29 These three factors must be considered together because it seems that both parental mental illness and parental separation or divorce may have a particularly damaging effect on the children if they are associated with prolonged overt marital discord , especially where the child becomes directly involved .
30 Interval harmony is therefore to be recommended not only because it encourages the horizontal flow of parts and their final resolution into good harmony , but also because the process gives quicker and easier results .
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